Matthew 24:5

by N.drew 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    "The whole world lies in the power of the wicked one" NWT

    So then, is He who is anointed acting as anointed?

    Logically the answer is no.

    "What will be the sign?" I think the answer was "I will die". And he did die. But to answer and record "I shall die" is too simplified along with complicated. Because he would be put to death as designed, but that is for heaven to know. He would also be resurrected. That is for believers to know. So it went unrecorded. "Having answered" was what was written. The SIGN is HE IS DEAD. But he is dead to the World but alive to believers. That is the sign. Dead yet living. The sign is not bad world conditions. The sign is HOPE.

    So who are the "many who come in the name of him saying (he) is the Christ"? I think it doesn't mean many individuals will come saying they are to replace The Christ. I think it means many together, many times, will come and say he will save us.

    What's wrong with that? We are saved (only) if we obey him as Lord.

    I do not know how to make sense of it. But I do know that it is not being talked about.

    Simplified I think it means... We who obey are the "savior". He is the Leader. Earth is man's dominion. So Lars is right. Lars is the savior. So am I, so are you.

    To obey is better than a sacrifice.

  • james_woods

    Did you just say that "Lars is right"?

    That will make you the very first person (other than Lars) to do this in human history.

  • james_woods

    Did you just say that "Lars is right"?

    That will make you the very first person (other than Lars) to do this in human history.

  • N.drew

    Do you usually double up james_woods?

    Salvation depends on how well a person listens to the way of salvation. So then if salvation depends on the person, then the person is his own savior by how well he listens to the savior.

    Religion, in my opinion, is just a reflection of the perception of reality.

    And perception becomes multiplied, does it not? I am sure that it does.

  • james_woods
    And perception becomes multiplied, does it not? I am sure that it does.

    Just like my post replies.

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