A New Dust Bowl For The Midwest?

by TOTH 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    Wow, I was reading this article and wondered if anyone else heard about this. I have only found some small talk about it in my search and would like some credible sources to verify if this is a real concern...


  • GOrwell

    Interesting article; I knew of this general problem, but this article really brings it home how dire it's about to become. Number #13 really blew me away : "Right now, the United States uses approximately 148 trillion gallons of fresh water a year, and there is no way that is sustainable in the long run." That number is so huge, you can't even think about, it's so beyond comprehension.

    In fact, just the other day I read about water authorities in Texas not releasing dam water to rice farmers because of shortages. I didn't even know they grew rice in Texas - who thought THAT was a good idea?

    I would expect a water commodity market to open up in the US maybe next year or the year after. Water is the new oil.

  • ohiocowboy

    Scary thought!

    Here in the DFW area recently we got a letter from the State telling people we are under a watering ban because of the drought, and that there are massive fines for not obeying. I do know that almost all of Texas has been under a severe drought this past year or so. It seems to be happening more frequently in different states too.

    I was hoping to have a nice little garden this Spring, but it looks like my plans may be squashed! lol

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    We just got over a major drought here in Aussie land. Yesterdays news.......flooding rain and the dam in Sydney will be overflowing today for the first time in ages.

  • WTWizard

    Yup, the Ogallala aquifer is drying up. There is a small aquifer called the Dakota Sandstone under that, but nothing below that. And the droughts are going to get worse--part of the cycle. This is not man-made global warming, but it is part of a longer cycle. And it is everywhere--China is gaining desert, and the Sahara is expanding southward.

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