All you men here, who does the house cleaning?

by James Mixon 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • SafeAtHome
    I do all the work inside, but I'm fortunate my husband is not a slob. I also do all the cooking, he generally won't even heat something up for himself if I am not home. He does everything outside. I wouldn't know how to start the mower or snow blower, but he enjoys yard work. I shovel snow sometimes for the exercise, but also to help him a bit cause you always worry about men shoveling snow. We each wash our own cars, except he does mine in the winter, nice guy! I guess you could say we are pretty even with chores, each doing what we are best at.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    SafeAtHome: I guess that's the point "each doing what we are best at". I'am

    terrible at handling finance.. We would be homeless if I handle our finance.

  • Giordano

    Long term marriages tend to share things including secrets, finances, people we both like or dislike, household chores. I'm retired now but there's no change since I worked from home. So there was no excuse for not doing things fifty fifty.

    We do favor certain chores, for instance my wife is a great cook so I shop and she does the prep, I wash the pots and pans and do the clean up and dishes.

    We take turns serving each other breakfast in bed. Depends on whoever wakes up first. Occasionally one or the other pretends to still be asleep. We check on what each of us plans to do during the day, who needs the car who needs the truck.

    We often go our separate ways then meet back up. By six we meet on our screen porch and I sip a martini and she smoke's one of her three daily cigarettes. We talk about how our day went. We both do volunteer work in our town.

    We share laundry duties.

    She likes working in the garden, I prefer not to play in the dirt so I am comfortable vacuuming and general cleaning.

    I handle our finances and investments she gets bored silly with that. We have a common checking account but she decided when she got social security to have her own private account for the first time in her life. Before that we always consulted one another on a larger purchase. Now she has her own money and will spend like a bandit on the grandkids or graduation gifts for nieces and nephews, birthdays, trips etc.

    We started out as full time pioneer partners and we just divided up the essentials even back then. We left the JW's together helped one another over the rough spots brought our son up, we worked from home by the time he was three so one of us was always there when he got home from school. It's been and continues to be a good life.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Giordano: you folks have it together, the breakfast in bed what a life. Good

    for you.

  • stuckinarut2

    Each family unit has their own way of doing things.

    I do most of the household chores, as I work closer to home than my wife does.

    This works for us.

    I don't believe in the concept of "man's work and woman's work". If something needs doing, each has a responsibility to share the tasks according to personal circumstances.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    Our cleaner does our cleaning.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    There is a story of a man who died and went to heaven to find two signs

    above different lines. One sign said, "ALL THOSE MEN WHO HAVE BEEN

    DOMINATED BY THEIR WIVES, STAND HERE." That line of men seemed

    to stretch off through the clouds into infinity.


    BY THEIR WIVES, STAND HERE. Underneath the sign stood one man. So the guy

    went over to man and ask "what's your secret? Look at the other line all the men

    in one line.The man looked around with a puzzled expression and said, "why, I am

    not sure I know. My wife just told me to stand here.

  • cofty

    My wife does most of the cleaning and I do the cooking and wash dishes etc.

    It works for us.

  • blondie

    We divide it up...after all we both work full-time. Some poor women are expected to do all the cleaning, child-rearing, shopping and cooking, and work outside the house.

    Men of my generation and younger, especially those raised by a mother alone know how to do things around the house.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    So are you folks saying the Bible role for a man and a woman is

    out of date. I can not picture Moses, Joshua, David and others washing

    dishes, dusting and etc.LOL

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