Conspiracy's!!!!! ya gotta see this!

by VeniceIT 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    I don't know if you've watched the new show on TNN called 'Conspiracy Theory' hosted by Kevin Nellian (SNL).

    They have a panel with people on both sides of an issue. It's really funny. This week it's about secret societies. Like the Mason's. It's on right now (EST) 7:30m on TNN. Just thought I'd share.

    You still here reading??-----GO WATCH THE SHOW!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Adam

    I've been invited to join the masons by an old guy across the street. Think I should join? I think I heard somewhere that in order to join you first have to proclaim your faith in an allmight god. In that case I would not be able to join with a clean consience.

  • VeniceIT

    ya but you'd get to wear a reallt kool hat!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    There are quite a few Masons living in my hometown and I know a number of them. Many do not realize that there are 'two' classes, the 'visable' and the 'invisable.'

    Many of the 'visable' have no clue that there is an 'invisable' element.

    Secret societies? All their insignia's are plastered throughout the world. Just recently they aired a program about G.Bush being in the 'Skull & Bones' society.

    If you need further information just click on to Freemans, Skull & Bones, illuminati, black pope, etc, etc on your search engine. You will be surprise with what YOU will come up with.

    The insignia on the American one dollar bill, the 'eye' and pyramid is a stamp revealing that since 1933 the illuminati have been controlling the world! The IRS and Revenue Canada are controlled by the elite rich who in turn are controllers of the world empire of the secret societies. View the history of the Rothschilds. Any and all research in this subject will knock your socks off. It is a scary subject matter.

    Guest 77

  • Kenneson

    The following is an interesting site featuring the Watchtower Society's connections to the Masons:

  • Seeker
    Any and all research in this subject will knock your socks off.

    Unless you are the type who wants credible evidence with your conjecture, in which case you will not only get to keep your socks on but you won't even have to untie your shoelaces.

  • mommy

    I was so shocked the other day, I saw an ad on TV to join the Mason's! No kidding, I had a friend of mine join, and I know how secretive they are, and how hard it is to get in. So to see an open ad on TV to join them I was like WOW!

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