It's all about numbers this time...

by Mindchild 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    Your odds of dying from...

    Armageddon: Zero
    Catastrophic asteroid strike: 1 in 1,960,000,000
    Anthrax: 1 in 55,052,999
    Pneumonic plague: 1 in 54,059,705
    Venomous snakes, lizards, and spiders: 1 in 54,049,600
    Falling after collision or shoving: 1 in 45,041,33
    Cleaners and paints: 1 in 27,024,800
    Domestic Hijacking: 1 in 16,817,784
    Salmonella: 1 in 10,587,115
    Execution by the US government: 1 in 3,622,270
    Lightning strike: 1 in 3,106,880
    Flesh-eating bacteria: 1 in 1,252,488
    Airplane crash: 1 in 659,779
    Railway accident: 1 in 524,753
    Poison gases or vapor: 1 in 494,960
    Electrical current: 1 in 493,153
    Falling object: 1 in 373,787
    Bad medical care: 1 in 83,720
    Residential fire: 1 in 83,720
    Gun shot: 1 in 8,802
    Motor vehicle accident: 1 in 6,585
    Flu and pneumonia: 1 in 4,107
    Diabetes: 1 in 4,000
    Unintentional injuries: 1 in 2,941
    Asthma: 1 in 2,228
    Stroke: 1 in 1,658
    Cancer: 1 in 499
    Heart Disease: 1 in 388

    --Source (except for the top item, the remaining information appeared in the March 2002 WIRED

    Now, to get take full advantage of my two threads today, I'm piggy-backing another article on this one:


    British over-40s lag behind Latin lovers

    A worldwide sex survey among the over-40s reveals Brazilians and Italians are the randiest nationalities.

    More than half of Britons over 40 have sex once a week, but three-quarters of Brazilians and Italians manage it.

    The French, Germans, Canadians and Turks also have more sex than the Brits.

    Middle-aged Japanese had the least sex, with only 21% making love once a week, reports The Sun.

    The survey questioned 26,000 people in 29 countries and was presented to a sexual health summit at the Royal College of Physicians in London.

    Professor Edward Laumann, of the University of Chicago, said: "It's refreshing that there's no clear end to the need for intimacy in later life and men and women around the world remain sexually active into their 70s."

    Story filed: 09:31 Thursday 21st February 2002


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