For LUAP: "Objects of hatred "a MORE reasonable understanding

by Londo111 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    Dear Brother Luap,

    I love the Witnesses and pray for them daily. I do not wish them any ill will to any of them.

    That being said…why do Jehovah's Witnesses hate me? Even my own parents? I am not their enemy. Even if I were, the Faithful and True Witness, Jesus, commanded his followers to "Continue to love YOUR enemies and to pray for those persecuting YOU." Do you pray for the disfellowshipped? The disassociated? Those that the Hierarchy calls "apostates"? Do you show your love for them by practical means?

    The division is not on my part, but on theirs. They are welcome in my home any time, but I am not welcome in theirs. Where is the love for me?

    The family arrangement existed well before any formal religious arrangement, and since it is from the Beginning, it would therefore trump it. True Christians are not the ones who do the separating from their loved ones. It is those not walking in line with Christianity who do this.

    When you preach at somebody's doorstep, and expose what you feel is a fallacy in their religious doctrine from the Bible, are you showing your hate for them? By the contrary, you are trying to show your love for them. You might spend long hours in regard to the door-to-door work, even beforehand preparing for how you will present a subject, possible objections, questions somebody might have. Even you might expose the sorted history of their religion, perhaps the Crusades or Inquisition, or doctrines such as eternal torture, your intention is not hateful.

    In a similar way, when many sincere folks point out problems in the Society's doctrine and history and practice, many of them aren't doing so out of hate, but out of love. Because their loved ones shun them, many can never move on with their lives to other pursuits. Shunning also keeps many Witnesses trapped in the organization, those who serve insincerely, not because they believe, but because they do not want their loved ones to hate them.

    I know firsthand what it feels like to be an object of hatred and so do many here. The hatred I received from non-Witnesses when I used to call at their door is nothing in comparison to the treatment I now receive from the Witnesses.

    As Psalms 55:12-14 says, "For it was not an enemy that proceeded to reproach me;
    Otherwise I could put up with it. It was not an intense hater of me that assumed great airs against me; otherwise I could conceal myself from him. But it was you, a mortal man who was as my equal, one familiar to me and my acquaintance, Because we used to enjoy sweet intimacy together; Into the house of God we used to walk with the throng. "

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