Something changed...and not for the better

by WuzLovesDubs 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I was away over the weekend....came back Monday. JW dh is acting more strange than he usually is to me. He went to the meeting Tuesday night which he NEVER does. Found out he went to the assembly on Sunday which is probably why this sudden surge in a) "spirituality" and b) overt shunning of his apostate spouse in our own home. I feel actual CONTEMPT coming off of him.

    He recruited my sons upstairs to do something and I said what are you doing up there? He replied, sneering...."moving your Christmas SH*T!" which he promptly took out and put into the SHED out in the WEATHER where I had specifically said I did not want my things put.

    Meanwhile, I find out that he and his JW sister have been using their cell phones to "pipe in" the meetings to my Downs sister in law, who has been absolutely forbidden by my exjw mother in law, who is her legal guardian and mother, to attend any meetings or assemblies! My MIL had to have the phone company BLOCK all those phone numbers because the JWs are relentlessly pursuing her! My JW SIL who shuns her own mother and doesnt allow her kids to see their grandmother, has been calling the Downs sibling and reading the daily text to her every damn day and telling her to lie about it to her mother.

    I feel very much like the koolaid is being poured. Did they reiterate shunning family in that assembly??

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "I find out that he and his JW sister have been using their cell phones to "pipe in" the meetings to my Downs sister in law"

    Sounds like they're trying to count their time with this nonsense.

    'He replied, sneering...."moving your Christmas SH*T!"'

    Wow, he needs to cut out the profanity.

    How would he respond if you were to move his "spiritual library SH*T" out to the shed?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh yea and in 2 Mathew, Jesus went on about how all the Pharasees were full of shit. Yep that's they way he spoke.

    I've found that 'dubs can have quite the potty mouth when they get all religiously zealous

  • tec

    I'm really sorry to hear that he is treating you like that. Especially doing it in front of your sons.

    I agree that something must have happened to bring a change. But that something might have been one of your sons saying something a little too liberal for his liking; something that would be against JW standards. Or perhaps his sister isn't responding to the things on the meeting.

    Sometimes people get louder and more obstinant when they realize they're in danger of losing a battle.

    Peace and strength to you,


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Is he currently serving or is he trying to qualify?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    at least you know about it now...

    and can do something to combat them.

    war sucks.


  • Butterflyleia85

    Awww man I'm so sorry to hear about your husband... I wish I been on here more (maybe you have a story as to your struggle/battle with your husband's wish-washy ways of you and your "apostate" thinking... I know I have with my family, in that case I totally relate). If my son (which at the time is only 11 months) was being pulled to thier "cult" ways I would have a freek out!! I want my son to have a choice not a brained washed way of thinking...

    Right now I feel for you and your family! {hugs}

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