Viral (At least in the JW world)

by dontplaceliterature 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • dontplaceliterature

    If one more person sends me this link, I think I'll puke.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Common themes: Money, DOD, grants, soldiers, military, we should use transfusions as a last resort (not we should not use transfusions).

    As healthcare is a business in the US how do we know that Englewood's MO was not to see another source of revenue which has now paid off?

  • 00DAD

    Nice, the MILITARY is going to use this technology to "save lives on the battle field". Wouldn't not having soldiers on the BATTLEFIELD save even MORE lives?

    I'm just sayin' is all!!!

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Exactly 00DAD: So the JW's encouraged Englewood to use bloodless surgery so that now they can train DOD doctor$$$ to save soldiers lives so that more soldiers can go out and kill. What a positive outcome for such staunch adherence to ones belief. While they may all be sharing this as vindication does it not seem odd that the tone of the feature is basically we can "thank JW's for heading us in the right direction to save lives of soliders so we can have a better kill ratio in the battlefield". Lest see if this one gets sanitized in some form over the next few months in WTprint or WT speak from the platform.

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