Wondered how I would handle the JW's at my door

by troubled mind 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Wish I had been more prepared to say something intelligent like others I have read about on here . Usually the Witness by-pass our house ,so I was not even thinking it might be them when someone knocked an hour ago . It was a young man ,maybe 17 , and a subsitute CO I remember from yrs ago .

    The young man started talking right away about reading me a scripture ,he already had it open in his paperback Bible (tacky looking if you ask me ). I interrupted him right away and said ," Oh HI ,your one of the Allen brothers arn't you ? You don't remember me do you ? " . He smiled and looked at me and said ," No I am sorry I don't " boo hoo so easily forgotten ........I said ," Oh well you were really young when we quit going to meetings , it's okay " ," I am not interested ,but you have a great day !"

    I wish I could have said something more witty or got him to talk some ...guess i should have waited to listen to his presentation first ,poor kid probably worked really hard on it ,and he would have gotten brownie points from the CO !

    Well I guess I should prepare my own presentation for the next time , if that ever happens .

    Now I wonder if that CO will go back and ask the Elders who I am and why i quit ? We actually hosted this CO and his wife a couple of times yrs ago for dinner . Shouldn't be surprised he doesn't remember me cause I am having a hard time remembering his name .....I think it was Frank ....something ....from Peoria IL area .

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    oh yeah just remembered his last name was Davis . Anyone ever have him as a CO ?

  • blondie
  • GLTirebiter

    Nice job--that was a polite but clear "No thank you". What a good witness it was for that young man, to see the CO not recognizing "lost sheep" from his own "flock"!

  • Ding

    Depends on what you want to accomplish.

    If you want to get rid of them for good, you might tell them that you'd like to study Crisis of Conscience with them.

    Ask them to show you where Ray Franz was lying about what the WTS said.

    If you want to persuade them that what they believe is wrong, the best method is to use WT literature.

    Be prepared with specifics and let them "teach" you.

    Ask lots of question.

    Show them stupid things published in The Finished Mystery or in Millions Now Living Will Never Die, for example, and ask them to explain them to you.

    Don't just accept "old light" explanations.

    Ask how someone who is being directed by Jehovah's spirit could make such glaring errors.

    Put the onus on them to explain such things to your satisfaction.

    Of course, they won't be able to, and it might open their eyes.

  • ziddina

    Aw, you did fine, Troubled Mind!!!

    I especially liked Ding's suggestions - though I would use the much later magazines, because there's MORE than enough in the later issues to "hang" them with, too!!

    Like the "apostates are mentally ill" issue - sorry, can't remember which one THAT one was, but it was a fairly recent one...

    Like the July 2009 Awake magazine with the article, "Is It Wrong to Change Your Religion?"... THAT one is going to be around FOREVER as a glaring hypocrisy on their part!!

    When one pulls out the older literature, they can always avoid your point by saying, "Well, that's 'old' light; we've moved BEYOND that understanding..." Of course, there are many ways to use that silly "old light" excuse AGAINST them, but I just LOVE the way that they continue to trip over their own tongues - they are repeating the same basic underlying pattern of behavior that were hallmarks of Russell and Rutherford - setting dates, hyping the rank&file into a frenzy that is TOTALLY baseless, and so on.

    They [especially the Governing Body] seem SO arrogantly stupid, unaware of how foolish they look stuck in a 1950's metality rut that becomes increasingly antiquated and ridiculous as more time passes...


  • Ding

    I agree with Zid that often the more recent stuff is more effective.

    I like using the older publications because that was supposedly what Jesus looked at when he decided that the WTS was a faithful and wise servant, dispensing good spiritual food at the proper time. If you can show that there is no way Jesus would have come to such a conclusion, it undercuts the organization's entire claim of authority.

    If you know what issues are important to them, go with those. For example, you may have been shaken by the WTS' UN involvement or the Malawi/Mexico double standard. But if their big issues are the end times, then showing them failed WTS predictions may be the better topic.

    Whichever way you go, be prepared to show them what you are talking about right out of WT publications themselves.

    Don't just tell them what the WT said; make sure they read it aloud so they are actually confronting it themselves.

  • ziddina
    "I like using the older publications because that was supposedly what Jesus looked at when he decided that the WTS was a faithful and wise servant, dispensing good spiritual food at the proper time. If you can show that there is no way Jesus would have come to such a conclusion, it undercuts the organization's entire claim of authority. ..." Ding

    A - HAH!!! Good point! I didn't think of that at all!

    And I just happen to have some old "International Bible STudents" books, dated 1908, 1911, 1912, and 1913!!!

    But dang! That means I'll have to STUDY that old cr*p!!

    maybe I'll just stick to my usual methods -

    "How old is the bible?

    Don't you think that the OLDEST 'god' is most likely to be the only "TRUE" god?

    Did you know that the bible is only 3,500 years old, but Egyptian religious writings on one of the oldest pyramids are over 1,000 years older than the bible, the Sumerian deities are around 5,000 years old, Stonehenge is over 5,000 years old, the cave paintings in the south of France are around 13,000 to 20,000 years old, the Australian Aboriginal religions are probably 40,000 to 80,000 years old, and the "Acheulean Goddess" - found, ironically, IN ISRAEL, is OVER 232,000 YEARS OLD???

    [pause for effect...]

    So, WHY should we be worshipping this "Johnny-come-lately" Middle-Eastern nomads' god???"


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