2012 April Public WT Says That:

by Yan Bibiyan 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    On page 20 it says:

    "...JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES enjoy discussing the Bible with

    their neighbors. Is there a particular Bible subject that

    you have wondered about? Are you curious about any of

    the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    If so, do not hesitate to bring up the subject the next

    time you come in contact with a Witness. He or she will

    be pleased to discuss such matters with you."

    (bolding mine)

    So, next time you attemt to anti-witness and they try to run away, beat them with this mag on the head (figuratively speaking of course) and call them on their BS.

  • lilbluekitty

    Yeah, except if you're baptized as a JW, then you're not allowed to ask questions without being labelled an apostate, believe me, that's what happened to me when I had legit questions...

  • WTWizard

    First, I never enjoyed discussing the Bible with people--especially after the first few months. They would have had a miserable time trying to get me into missionary work because I despise religious tubthumping work more than anything else (particularly going into some Third World country or a Muslim region, which is where the missionaries are always sent).

    Second, I cannot explain religious doctrines if they are constantly changing. Is [act] a sin, or not? If it is, what level of sin is it? And, how can I define "a generation" if they keep changing the definition? Are they about to change it yet again and I don't know it yet? Sometimes they contradict themselves within a single paragraph! I have seen examples of where they say one thing in one article, and then the very next boasting session they say something totally different. Which one is it? Remember, independent research is banned.

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