Turn the other cheek when face with A bully..

by jam 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    As A JW you are told to turn the other cheek when you

    have been insulted, to be humble show humility. Have your

    veiw on that changed? My sons and I were talking about this.

    My elder son told me of A incident that took place. He was

    standing in line at A fast food restaurant, next to be sereved

    with about half dozen people standing behind him. A guy walks

    up, step in front of him, turns around looks him in the eye and then

    proceed to place his order. The guy stood around 6" 5 250lbs plus.

    OK this is A good time to turn the other cheek. It seems as if there

    were some type of protective net around us as JWs. I have encounter

    similar situation more so then when I was A JW. Have any of you

    notice this.

  • 2tone

    I hated that shit. It was just an excuse for some jws to do whatever they wanted. If someone insulted you were expected to turn the other cheek otherwise your were the one at fault. Stupid little cult. I suspect some people used "turn the other cheek" because they were too much of a pussy to confront the insulter.

  • Vidqun

    I believe the baseball bat and the lead pipe were invented for a reason. These are instruments that will assist in combatting bullying, abusive spouses, etc. It can be effectively utilized even by those that are small in stature.

  • LV101

    As a JW you had to turn the other cheek (so I was told) because it was your bro/sister and this gave them freedom to ride rough shod over you. Of course, Jesus meant to forgive all and not to return the evil (but he stood up to wrongdoing) so if one is following him it's the way of righteousness which is in contrast to what most would do. Probably a protection in the long run from more evil/retaliation --- people are crazy.

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