Acts 17, where's the organization, guys?!

by arko_n9ne 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • arko_n9ne

    I was listening to the radio today. KDKR Dallas. They were playing a Q&A with Ravi Zacharias and he pointed out a passage in Acts 17 that I was unfamiliar with, but it rung some bells in my head.

    Acts 17:24,25 (NWT): " The God that made the world and all the things in it, being, as this One is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples, neither is he attended to by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all [persons] life and breath and all things."

    Something...about odd.

    The meaning behind the passage is that Paul finds idolatry detestable and it telling them that God the Creater is one, not many. He doesn't live in a lavish building. And He isn't taking your offerings of food and sacrifice. He is the maker. He doesn't want anything from us He made.

    But at the same time, it's ground-breaking in it's very wording. He does not dwell in manmade temples, so the necessity to attend the Kingdom Hall (or any church) is not for finding Him. He doesn't live there. He is above all, delivering His Word. You find God in His Word.

    And in His Word, at what is called Acts 17:25, "neither is he attended (served, worshipped) to by human hands as if he needed anything. The concept of serving Him through an Organization is unscriptural. The Lord doesn't need an organization. His Word is available to the masses. Before the printing press, it was scrolls and leaf. Before that, His Word was on stone. Before that, His Word was word of mouth.

    When you take into the account of a global resurrection and the opportunity for those who did not know God to truly KNOW God, the current idea of preaching His Word to the world isn't the big picture. It's not necessary. Not if most everyone gets a second chance to learn His Word (or a first in most cases).

    Regardless of the double talk, why is it that Acts 17:24,25 are untouched by the WTS? Why are there so many passages in the NWT that remain coherent enough to break the temple of false gods that is the Organization?

    ~Ryan Kent

  • transhuman68

    Paul was really punching above his weight at this stage of his mission. He really was the organization, as his idea of the Christ story was different to the Jewish version back in Jerusalem, so he was on his own, with nothing to offer but his vision; and maybe he didn't want to build up a religion with churches and bishops etc, as he expected Jesus to return in a matter of years, not millennia. I find this chapter rather amusing now, as Paul was trying to sell his ideas about Christ to Greeks who were schooled in centuries of philosophy, including questions about God that we still can't answer today. It's no wonder Paul left Athens rather quickly.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Because those under the spell don't really hear what the bible is saying. When you think of all the terms used such as organization, governing body, and so on that are not in the bible and noone even questions? So they can teach what they want at will and the rank and file keep buying it.

    The bearing thorough witness book a is prime example. What a joke and everyone at the hall thinks it is gospel truth! This book uses the word "probably" 11 times. The word "possibly" 15 times. The word "might?" 49 times. The word "may' 193 times. The term "governing body" 57 times. I could go on but i rest my case. They call this the "truth". Some of these useages may be proper but it just goes to show that they will stop at nothing with their teaching. They trump god's own word.

  • venetian


    You are beginning to join the dots... good for you!

    We have spent so many years equating Jehovah with the Organization that it can be a groundbreaking revelation when we finally start to seperate the two. The truth and beauty of the scriptures starts to come clearer and clearer.

    How are you feeling?

    I must admit I went through the whole gammut of emotions when I was at this stage. Excitement, frenzied reading, fear, anxiety, anger, joy, tears..the lot!

    take care bro x

  • Isidore

    Ravi is conveniently forgetting that Christ established a Church in Matthew 16 and He mentions it again in Matthew 18. Paul mentions himself in 1 Timothy 3:15. This would be a visible entity, established by Christ on the Apostles and then passed on to later generations. The question then becomes, which Church is being spoken about. It's not hard when one does some digging.

    So obviously, Ravi is misunderstanding what Acts 17 is saying.

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