Viral Video on Jesus vs. Christianity

by laverite 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • laverite

    Hello everyone,

    Has anyone seen this video? It has gone mega viral. I read about it on CNN and watched it all the way through. Interesting take. It seems more and more young people are going in this direction. What do you think about the video? Any thoughts/reactions?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I don't see Jesus. I see some slow motion hip hop preacher. If there's a man between you and God speaking for God you have religion. He doesn't see that by opening his mouth he's a de facto religion. For this reason I don't care to hear preaching from anyone who has a "personal relationship" with Jesus. Just more fundy poop.

  • botchtowersociety

    Watched it. It has generated a lot of responses.

    Incidentally, he didn't contrast Jesus and Christianity. He contrasted Jesus and religion.

    The video opens with an eerie soundtrack and the phrase “Jesus>Religion” in a stark, white typeface. His poem begins, “What if I told you, Jesus came to abolish religion?”

    In a polished, hip style, he continues with such controversial questions for four minutes: “If religion is so great, why has it started so many wars? Why does it build huge churches, but fails to feed the poor?” Mr. Bethke describes religion as no more than “behavior modification” and “a long list of chores.” This leads him to conclude, “Jesus and religion are on opposite spectrums.” And his grand finale: “So know I hate religion, in fact I literally resent it.” …

    Stating that religions build churches at the expense of the poor, as Mr. Bethke does, turns a blind eye to the single greatest charitable institution on the planet. Blaming religion for wars ignores the fact that the greatest mass murderers in the 20th century—indeed in all of history—killed for nonreligious reasons. And advocating for a kind of Christianity that is free of the “bondage” of religion opens the door to dangerous theological anarchy that is all too common among young evangelicals and absolutely antithetical to biblical Christianity.

  • tec

    Well, I like him. And he's not preaching. People are allowed to share their views and their beliefs without it being called preaching. If he was trying to gain followers for himself and his 'religion', then I could see that. But if he is just trying to speak, to share, to offer some words of comfort to others.... then that is the e x tent of it. Otherwise anytime we open our mouths and share our thoughts and beliefs about anything, we're preaching. That includes atheists. I also think it will receive so many views because so many share that view and are happy to see someone put it to words, or also because so many are tired of the hypocrisy that they find in religion, but still want to have faith in Christ and God. Perhaps they didn't realize they could have that kind of faith until someone mentioned that they indeed, could.



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