Irony, thy name is Watchtower

by finally awake 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    (Ecclesiastes 12:12) . . .As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.

    I never could keep up with all the reading - LOL

  • arko_n9ne

    makes you wonder if the wts ever really read the bible...

  • truth_b_known

    Was it not under Rutherford that the Watch Tower Society published that one could not learn the truth of the Bible with out the Watch Tower publications and that reading one publication from them was like years of Bible study? Why could no one see the wool being pulled over their eyes?

  • Godsendconspirator

    I always wondered why the Congregation "bible study" was used with a book. The bible highlights is the only part that uses just the bible and that's only for 10 minutes out of how many hours of meetings a week?

  • arko_n9ne

    cognitive dissonance is giving people too much credit. people are gullable and ignorant. they strive to go the simple route and enjoy having people do their work for them.

    the wts made a flimsy show of having done all the work so people flocked to them regardless of contradictions and fallacies.

    they stay with the wts because it means having to do the work of reconciling their mistakes in faith and then doing the work of getting it right the next time.

    most witnesses that leave tend to become atheists. its okay to be atheist but be it for all the right reasons. no offense to current exjw atheists on here as i dont know your individual reason for giving up god. but you cant deny there are some who are atheist because its easier.

  • JAFO
    Was it not under Rutherford that the Watch Tower Society published that one could not learn the truth of the Bible with out the Watch Tower publications and that reading one publication from them was like years of Bible study?

    That was Russell.. when referring to Studies in the Scriptures..

    See this thread: LINK

    Opening post quoted below...

    Can we understand the Bible without the Watchtower?

    Not according to C.T Russell. In the September 15, 1910 WT he made these shocking claims regarding the 6 Scripture Studies that he wrote:

    "That is to say, they are not merely comments on the Bible, but they are practically the Bible itself..."

    He also goes on to say "If he then lays them aside and ignores them and goes to the Bible alone, though he has understood his Bible for 10 years, our experience shows that within 2 years he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he had merely read the Scripture Studies with their references, and not read A PAGE of the Bible, he would be in the light at the end of the 2 years..."

    He takes it a step further in ridiculing Bible readers. He says, "We would, therefore, not waste a great deal of time doing what we know some people do, reading chapter after chapter, to no profit. We would not think of doing it. We would not think we were studying the Scritpures at all...We would not see the neccessity of reading the New Testament every day or every year; we would not consider that necessary. We would consider that the Scrpture which says, "They shall be all taught of God," would imply that in his own appointed way God would bring to our attention whatever feature of divine truth would be "meat in due season for the household of faith."

    He qualifies this a bit further towards the end of the article by saying, "We are not wishing in this to say anything against one's poring over chapters that he does not understand and others do not understand, hoping that he might light on some truth... He has a right to spend weeks and years in this way if he chooses, but the chances even then are that when he does light on something HE WILL HAVE IT ALL WRONG."

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