'rule' verses the spirit behind the rule (public prayer)

by tec 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    The issue surrounding Tebow and his public praying, as well as those who pray over their meals out at a restaurant, got me thinking a little about 'rules' in this matter.

    And I think that some people have overlooked something.

    Christ said not to be like the pharisees and hypocrites who 'showboat' their prayers, out in public, seeking praise from others. If you pray in private, there is no 'showboating'. You are just seeking Christ and God, and are humble before them, looking for nothing more than to ask for help or give thanks.

    But it is the spirit behind what you are doing that matters - something known only (for certain) between you and the one you pray to. This pointing fingers at some who pray or give thanks in public reminds me of the Jews who pointed their fingers at Christ for doing good works on the Sabbath. Or at his disciples for picking food to eat on the Sabbath. The rule became more important than the spirit behind the teaching that formed the rule to begin with. And the rule became more important than love (which is more important than any rule OR law).

    Now some might be praying to be seen by men, and garner praise for that. But others might be genuinely moved to render thanks and give praise where it is due, without shame. I suppose that I might be able to tell the difference between showboating and genuine praise - sometimes - but that doesn't make it my business. My task is to keep an eye on myself.

    Even Christ gave thanks in public.

    Just some things to think about.

    Peace to you,


  • GOrwell

    I'm not sure Christ giving thanks in public in front of a few people can be compared to praying on national american TV, with about 35 million people watching..


    Edit: and giving thanks for food is a tad different than giving thanks for the pointless and offensive pastime of football..

  • tec

    I'm not sure Christ giving thanks in public in front of a few people can be compared to praying on national american TV, with about 35 million people watching..

    Yeah, well that would have been kinda an impossibility back then ;)

    The point is the spirit behind what moves a person to do what they do. That is between that person and whomever they are praying to; not that person and us. Pointing fingers (ooh, he broke the rule), and judging based on that, simply reminds me of, well... the above analogy.

    There are also people who point fingers at those who give thanks for food. So I included that. I'm not trying to single Tebow out... he just happens to be the topic of a few threads that got me thinking about this.



  • designs

    'I'd just like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the victory over the Denver Broncos' locker room prayer at the National Democratic Headquarters.

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