Religion is a racket and a snare! ....uuuuhmmmmm

by justmom 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • justmom

    Remember when thE WTBS shouted those words?

    ooh and "Millions now living WILL never die?"... using sandwich signs, loud speakers on top of autos and YES they even picketed this. (something they condemn so-called apostates for doing)

    Why is religion only a snare when it's every other religion but them?

    Remember when Russell said, "We are NOT attempting to set up an earthly organization. Rather, we adhere only to that heavenly organization...., whose names are written in heaven." Yes they said it. (Proclaimers book page 205 right side in bold) Funny though the chapter15 there is entitled, "Development of the organization structure." Wow, they forgot in 2 paragraphs what their intention was. (short term memory loss)lol

    So, ya think the WTBS has become a racket as a snare like all other organized religion? You bet they have! More than any other organized religion.

    check out all the middle of the proclainmers book at how many "EARTHLY" structures, temples they have produced to ensnare It's people.

    why so?.....because early in this generation the adversary saw (which these tactics are not new and unique) that Israel really is stubborn and stiff-necked and has a real problem with "faith."

    they are freed from slavery and bondage only after crying out repeatedly over and over, Jah hears them, feels regret and shows mercy and foregiveness once again. SO GLAD HE DOES!

    Remember the famous account of moses, egypt, wilderness etc.........

    Moses (mediator and one of them) was used to free His people from slavery and bondage. They SAW (which didn't take too much faith) 10 plagues. Then left Egypt (false religion) and wondered in the wilderness

    Three days in, they began to murmer that they would starve to death. WOW jah can't feed them after just showing them 10 plagues and the parting of the red sea.

    (parallel is the early servants BEFORE they set up this earthly organization)

    Manna and water....Christ and holy spirit was not enough. They might starve to death. lol

    And they needed something they could see (like egypt). Egypt was at least structured, they were fed, and knew exactly what they were going to do everyday (slavery)

    The adversary, satan knew that it was only a matter of time and Israel and people, would fall for this ONE! had to be something that looked EXACTLY like the real thing, TRUTH/CHRIST to even mislead holy ones, and they would gulp it down like kool-aid!

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was the perfect answer to enslave / (en) snare once again.

    The corporation was the golden calf they needed. Something they could SEE. (and give all their gold, silver and monies TO) Remember Israel has always had a problem with walking by faith and not by sight. (nothing new AND unique)

    They were afraid of starving to death (remember manna and holy spirit was not enough) So....they incorporated, published the Watchtower and Awake which became their food at the proper time from God or so-called annointed moses/ christ etc... ( at least they knew where their 3 square meals a day were coming from).....

    ....AND just like in Egypt, they knew what they were going to do everyday they woke up. BE SLAVES! Drinking kool-aid that will kill you (not true holyspirt and manna which will save you), .....5 meetings a week (or 4 or 3 now lol) field-service, pioneering, talks, biblereading, watchtower awake publication reading and studying, bethel service, theocratic talks, assemblies /circuit and district and international, family study, personal study, prayer, meditation etc etc........Imagine and theres only 24 hours in a day! And you have to work at least 8 hours a day to provide for you and yours. And sleep SOMETIME!

    And after All this with the parallel being the same, Israel never made into the promised land. Sounds pretty scary if after doing all these things as a slave for the WTBS you never make it into the promised land / The new system! ...because it is a LIE... not the truth... and it became your snare because it was NEVER Jah's plan to begin with. HE wanted to be enough for us all along. It was OUR choices regardless of the reasons at some point in our lives. Hes not to blame. it is OUR lack of faith to blame and allowing ourselves to be misled by the adversary. (AND YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ALONE. I WAS A WINESS FOR 30 YEARS)

    Our Lord Jaheshua, wants to free us outta egypt, be our manna and pure water, (true food and holy spirit) lead us by the hand out into the wilderness, help us learn to walk by faith... finally, teach and instruct us kindly, perfect our spirit not our flesh, be HIS slave (so different from mans) and take us to the promised land/paradise.

    I just needed to share this with you because I care. (sorry i don't do well with the keyboard. i was the generation of 1975 that didn't need higher education lol lol )



  • watersprout

    Thank you for sharing Justmom!

    It was something I had always wondered.... EVERY religion claims to be the ''true'' one so what did the WT have that the other's didn't? When I asked this question this was the answe I got... ''the truth''... Crazy crazy crazy!

    BTW there is nowt wrong with your keyboard skills!

    Peace my sister

  • justmom

    thanks for your kindness....

    something I always see that holy spirit shows me is that the reason this organization (WTBS) seemed so appealing to true israel and those that follow them like the egyptians that went with moses is that think about it.....the conglamaration(sp?) of its origin will ensnare any backround of people searching for so-called truth.

    InternationaL Bible students from Russell onward started with ...

    1. Advent Christian Church / Seventhday adventists/ preaching and observing sabbaths/dates/festivals

    2. Allegheny Pennsylvania/ Omish/ shunning/so-called no part of the world

    3. Mormonism/ Joseph Smith/book of mormon......Jehovahs Witnesses/ CT Russell/ watchtower

    4. Christian Science/ not completely anti-doctor/medical, only if your depressed and the brothers can't help you through more personal study and field service and then only depression meds but it's really sorta a lack of faith because you belong to the real brotherhood of the happiest people on earth. lol

    5. Judaism/ not a lotta emphasis on Jesus. Everything is Jehovah this Jehovah that. And never coming into union with christ by eating and drinking (partaking) don't get me wrong. Jah is the topdog, but you CANNOT get to Pharoah without going through Joseph. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given him. Under the old law covenant they have put their sheep under ......WORKS/SLAVERY

    6. Boreans/ studying studying but never coming to accurate knowledge.

    7. Satan worshipers/(oops I went there) everything is demonized/ glorifying and giving more power and authority to him.

    .....and I'm sure many will think of others.

    So ....if you are searching,confused,lost, or have found it in the WTBS.. It will suit any need but the REAL one!

    thoughts and peace


  • Phizzy

    Rutherford spoke with authority when he said "Religion is a snare and a racket", he knew full well that was true, because he had just started the snare and racket that was, and still is, the WT.

  • blondie

    Until the early 1950's, the WTS taught that all religion was bad and that the WTS was not a religion.

    *** w91 12/1 pp. 13-14 par. 17 Breaking Free From False Religion ***

    From 1922 onward, hard-hitting Bible truths were published and publicly circulated, exposing Babylonish false religion, particularly Christendom’s churches. The need was seen to impress upon the minds of God’s cleansed people that the break with all forms of false religion must be total. Thus, for years, even the use of the word “religion” was avoided when speaking of pure worship. Slogans, such as “Religion Is a Snare and a Racket,” were paraded in the streets of big cities. Books such as Government (1928) and “The Truth Shall Make You Free” (1943) made a clear distinction between “Christianity” and “religion.” This extreme position is understandable, since a clean break had to be made with the all-pervading religious systems of Babylon the Great.

    Then, in 1951, the time was ripe for Jehovah to give his people a crystal-clear understanding of the difference between true religion and false religion. The 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses reports: “In 1951, advocates of true worship learned something significant about the term ‘religion.’ Some of them could well recall 1938 when, at times, they carried the thought-provoking sign ‘Religion Is a Snare and a Racket.’ From their standpoint then, all ‘religion’ was unchristian, from the Devil. But The Watchtower of March 15, 1951, approved of using the adjectives ‘true’ and ‘false’ respecting religion. Furthermore, the absorbing book What Has Religion Done for Mankind? (published in 1951 and released during the ‘Clean Worship’ Assembly at Wembley Stadium, London, England) had this to say: ‘Taken according to the way it is used, “religion” in its simplest definition means a system of worship, a form of worship, without regard to whether it is true or false worship. This agrees with the meaning of the Hebrew word for it, ’a·boh·dáh, which literally means “service”, regardless of to whom it is rendered.’ Thereafter, the expressions ‘false religion’ and ‘true religion’ became common among Jehovah’s witnesses.”—Page 225.

    In answer to a reader’s question, the August 15, 1951, issue of The Watchtower stated: “None should feel upset by the use of the term ‘religion’. Because we use it does not put us in the class of the tradition-bound false religions, no more than does the calling of ourselves Christians put us in with the false Christians of Christendom.”

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Somebody posted not long ago (as I remember it):

    "Religion is a snare the Devil uses to lead people away from God."

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