I used to wonder

by crmsicl 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • crmsicl

    When I was a JW I often thought... WHY was being in the "truth" so hard (to live it and do all the sh!t) and WHY didn't it feel good and WHY wasn't there any real good results (as far as recruits).

    Just sayin

  • Tater-T

    Because it's a cult.. or it's the 'narrow path'...

  • sabastious
    When I was a JW I often thought... WHY was being in the "truth" so hard (to live it and do all the sh!t) and WHY didn't it feel good and WHY wasn't there any real good results (as far as recruits).

    Organized religion is an addiction like any other. It starts out with a honeymoon phase, turns into a grind and then eventually the negative effects start manifesting in your life. Some people continue the addiction until they expire, some cut it short and live the rest of their life on the path to freedom and enlightenment.

    Welcome to the forum btw.


  • crmsicl

    hm sab, never thought of it as an addicition but I see what you're saying...honeymoon phase then grind then negative effects. Yea, that is like an addiction. hm

  • crmsicl

    btw, I'm not exactly new. I just don't say much.

  • serenitynow!

    There wasnt any honeymoon phase for me! Once again, I been robbed! That must have been just for the converts, not the born ins. What I used to wonder was, how come I was making all these sacrifices, doing so much suffering and god still wasnt answering my prayers or helping me in any way? It seemed like a lot of effort for no reward at all.

  • stillstuckcruz

    One of the things I pondered about was why one had to slave for the WT for so many years(perhaps 70+) to survive armageddon, and others could come in a day before Armageddon and recieve the same "salvation".

    So much of it doesn't actually make sense until you see things from an outside persepctive. :)

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    you don't say much been here longer then me with 4 posts!!!

    I had those thought when I was a JW now it looks so clear!

    you should talk more - we don't bite. Well some may


  • crmsicl

    I didn't do this intentionally but I have 2 names on this board. WhereWasI and Crmsicl. Not sure how I did that. I'm the bug finder (as my husband says).

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