Yesterday's WT

by tornapart 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tornapart

    Anyone who's still 'in' and went yesterday, how did it make you feel?

    Before I went I read the passage of scripture from Romans 7 and 8 in a couple of other translations bsides NWT. Beautiful and uplifting, how the spirit guides us and helps us overcome our imperfect nature. Draws us close to God as his children.

    Get to the KH. There the big stick is weilded, we can't live a 'normal' life. We need to control the evil inside us or we will be destroyed.

    This is my endurance test, putting up every week with the way God's beautiful word is being twisted by this controlling organisation.

  • iarts

    All I remember were the series of ridiculous good dad/bad dad illustrations.

    The last one (where he reads the bible before going to bed) is Jeff from 'Rules of Engagement'.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Here's what caught my eye:

    Par 6

    “by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh”

    and offering him as a ransom, God “condemned

    sin in the flesh,” thus overcoming

    the “incapability on the part of the Law.” As

    a result, anointed Christians are counted

    righteous on the basis of their faith in Jesus’

    ransom sacrifice.

    What about the other 7.5 million?


  • tornapart

    DOC.. yes that struck me too! The Bible was only written for 144,000.. the NT only written for 'the anointed ones' The other 7.5 million can only gain salvation through the GB and the rest of humanity are stuffed....

  • blondie
  • AnnOMaly

    Another WT article chopping up Rom. 8, carving up 'the body of Christ' by creating distinctions where there are none. When I read through it and all its emphasis on being led by the Spirit, I thought "Romans 8:14 - they've skipped over that one again - what a surprise."

  • wokeup

    The Watchtower leaders are so full of themselves denying the very Gift they themselves percieve to possess. It is by no accident

    they bounced around the 8th chapter of Romans. The arguement is weakened and even distorted that Paul was making.

    Their intentional ommitance of verses 9,10 speaks volumes. It would have reminded the adherents that they do not have Gods/Christ Spirit which is life and they are still dead in their trespasses.

    Their doctrine leads the reader to think that somehow the GB had faith good enough to be chosen and ruling over God's earthly representation of his kingdom and their faith has them 'justified' in his sight. Everyone else just didn't cut the mustard or were born too late.

  • bob1999

    " anointed Christians are counted

    righteous on the basis of their faith in Jesus"

    I've got news for the WTS. All who believe are anointed and "in Christ" and "there is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ". Romans 8:1

    There is no other way (according to the bible) to be saved.

    This whole idea of 144000 being in Christ and part of the new covenant and the rest of the believers not in Christ and not part of the new covenant is just a made up thing. Made up by man (the WTS) and not found in the bible.


  • matt2414

    Just a thought:

    I've noticed that the WT nearly always applies the bulk of the NT to the anointed. They reason that if Jesus was speaking to his followers, then they would be (future) anointed at the outpouring of holy spirit at Pentecost; or if Paul was writing to a congregation, then the members of the congregation would all be of the anointed, and so on.

    Well, if that's the case and following that logic, wouldn't the preaching work apply mainly to the anointed? Wasn't Jesus speaking to the future anointed when he uttered the words of Matt. 28: 19, 20 and Acts 1:8? While the "great crowd" may assist, they can't take away a responsibility that belongs to the anointed. The so-called anointed should be doing the bulk of the preaching work -- especially since younger ones are now claiming to be such. In fact, they should all be full-time pioneers, at least. And since the members of the so-called Governing Body claim to be foremost of the anointed, then they should be taking the lead in this and be out in the door to door work everyday, just like Jesus did. He didn't need to sit behind a desk to organize his followers.

    Just a thought.

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