What can ex-JWs learn from Harvey Milk?

by zengalileo 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • zengalileo

    If you haven't seen the movie "MILK" starring Sean Penn, or is you have not seen a documentary or read up on Harvey Milk, then it'll be hard for you to have an opinion on this.

    This is not a "gay" thread. The fact that harvey Milk was gay and was a civil rights leadewr for the gay movement has nothing to do with the point I will make here.

    Harvey Milk when he was campaingning for City supervisor for San Francisco and fighting against Prop 6 in the mid 70s came upon some marketing research that said, where a person actually knows a gay person, they vote favorably towards gay civil rights 2 to 1. This made him come up with his policy that everyone working on his campaign that had not come out as gay to their freinds and family, had to come out. I'm not sure if there were any consequences if someone just refused to come out; the movie didn't say and neither did the documentary.

    How this applies to ex-JWs

    I've gone on a few rants about how I think every non believing JW still living a lie should just come out. And I'm always slapped down pretty hard by people who insist that I'm not being "understanding about their situation" or that I'm being judgmental. so I am going to try hard to not be judgmental here. But I figure, in the very least, we should have a national day of "coming out of the Watchtower." I have suggested before the first day of spring as that day each year when practicing JWs who no longer believe in it, come out to their friends and family.

    Do I know what I am saying?

    Yes. I know that this will mean instant shunning for many who do this. That is why I am not ASKING anybody to do this. I am just putting it out there into the consciousness of the universe, so that those who feel a kinship with the suggestion may act upon it of they so desire.

    I am not saying that JWs who no longer believe lack courage. But I would like to just make the general statement that, what such a decision would require, (coming out of the Watchtower) is EXTRA COURAGE. courage above and beyond normal courage. Courage that says "truth is nmore important than my family staying together based on some delusion or shared lie." or, "Freedom is more important than friends or family that when put to the test, will drop you like a ton of lead for going against the Watchtower Co.

    I get it that this is a very unpopular opinion. But, getting back to Harvey Milk, if 2 out of 3 people vote favorably to a cause if they know someone in that cause, well, then, there is going to be a great multitude of people, JWs, who just REFUSE to shun their own flesh and blood. It ALREADY happens that way. A certain percentage of JWs actually do not shun their family members even though it is breaking the rules. That is just a fact.

    But if incredible droves of people started comeing out of the Watchtower, coming out as a non-believer in it, if all those who came out were shunned, this would create an incredible social/sopcietal holocaust. Tens of thousands of families would be destroyed. Individuals would be homeless, suicides would take place in great numbers, all sorts of societal catastrophes would happen, and nonJWs, worldly people just wouldn't stand for it any more. They would pass legislation to outlaw shunning due to the incredible harm it perpetuates upon society in general.

    I believe that IF mass amounts of people were to come out, especially suddenly all on one day, we would have ourselves a real civil rights movement on our hands, whereas now, we got what we got in terms of rights against a religious corporation. The corporation has all the rights. There is no such thing as "Interorganizational civil rights...YET!" Only if people were to start coming out like crazy can we ever hope to get more attention and someday get some support from ther government. Right now the ACLU fiercely defends the Watchtower's and other religions' right to shun. They need to see the destruction that this practice does before they will ever see us as a group of people with rights.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi zengalileo, I feel that your idea would impact many active JWs, however can you think of another idea that would not cause people to be shunned? How about develop a flyer to share with JWs every year (or more frequently) and JWs and exJWs would distribute that flyer to their JW family and friends with anoynomous emails like I wrote about in http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/211893/1/Youe28099ve-Got-Mail-TM. Another idea might be to schedule apostofests and for shunned exJWs to visit local KHs, assemblies, or conventions for half an hour or less every year, and then exit as a group (sort of like a flashmob exit dance).


    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • curiouscynic

    I'm also a fan of "coming out." I can't tolerate the concept of membership in an organization that stands for ideals that I cannot support. As for those who stay in to "spy" on the WTS... pfft. For what purpose exactly? This isn't a cold war. They have no power, no influence except that exerted on those too weak to separate themselves from the congregation.

    Incidentally, my 14 year old son accompanied me to Harvey's and Toad Hall among other places in the Castro with some gay friends in August.

  • zengalileo

    ABIBle student's idea of a more soft, anonymous coming out has already been tried thousands of times. anonymous this. anonymous that. It is anonymity that keeps the watchtower strong. The whole strategy behind shunning is that either people will come back in out of extreme black mail, or they will just crawl off into the bushes and die never to be seen again.

    Don't you see that "triggering shunning" is the only way to fight it. It's time to call the Watchtower out to a public brawl, not leave snappy messages behind in a paper chase. A 2 to 1 margin (by the way I was wrong above about 2 to 1 being the same as 2 out of 3. actually 2 to 1 is actually more like 3 out of 4. Correct me if I'm wrong any math people) means that most people if they actually KNOW an "apostate" will be favorable towards them, and probably NOT shun them. That is not a sure thing because this is not the Gay rights issue and other dynamics come to play in it. But no matter what, not EVERY JW will shun their family members who come out as a non believer. But no matter the percentage of JWs who will refuse to shun their family, the fact that enormous amounts of people will get disfellowshipped will trigger a responbse in the worldly world hopefully. I am literally saying that families will be destroyed irrepairably over this. I am ADVOCATING the deliberate destruction of all families that are propped up on the lie of the Watchtower. as long as we continue in silence about our true feelings and beliefs about the Watchtower, the Watchtower wins. They designed it to work this way and it is woprking due to a lack of EXTRA Courage and zeal for the truth.

    People are valuing family at all cost ideology rather than a truth at all cost ideology. Sure there should be a balance between truth and sabotaging a decent family. One need not be wreckless about coming out. But the power of my idea lies in tyhe inevitability that families will be destroyed. People may even commit suicide over this. It happened in the Gay Rights movement no one can deny.

    Lies do have a place in society. I am not saying we all have to tell our wives that they look fat in a dress. But if you believ, as I do that the Watchtower is hurting people, then this calls for a summoning of courage among all supporters of the Watchtower who inside their hearts do not support it.

    Think about a national coming out day.

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