"What is The Purpose Of Human Life?" - This week's #3 Part on the TMS

by dontplaceliterature 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • dontplaceliterature

    The source material for this talk is taken from the Reasoning Book under the heading "Life".

    In a nutshell, here are the points this material makes:

    1. That it is essential to recognize divine authority and that we have a creator.

    2. Life should be according to God's purpose, not ours.

    3. Life is miserable because we have inherited sin.

    4. We'll only be happy if we listen to God.

    5. If we do the above, we can hope for a better life.

    Unfortunately, none of these points answer the question! Perhaps what they are getting at, without actually coming right out and saying it, is that the purpose of this life is to be slaves for God, and hope for a better life next time around. This is not what The Bible says, anywhere that I am aware of.

    However, the book of Ecclesiastes takes a very reasonable position regarding all of this. For its writer, this life was all we have and we should get the most enjoyment from it that we can because when we die, we are done. That's it. No where in that book will you find mention of an afterlife. (Ecclesiastes 9) We die, our memory goes, and that's it, gone forever. Seven times he says that we should enjoy life to the full as a gift from God because it's all we have:

    "Look! The best thing that I myself have seen, which is pretty, is that one should eat drink and see good for all his hard work with which he works hard under the sun for the number of the days of his life that the true God has given him, for that is his portion. Also, every man to whom the true God has given riches and material possessions, he has even empowered him to eat from it and to carry off his portion and to rejoice in his hard work. This is the gift of God." - Ecclesiastes 5:18,19 (See also, 8:15)

    My two cents.

  • Phizzy

    The purpose of life ? Dunno, but Douglas Adams showed that the meaning of life is 42, isn't that right ?

    Actually, I am surprised the WT goes in to this area of thought, once you analyse it , the JW's do not have a purpose that can satisfy them (or me).

    I have decided, I reallydo not want to live in a "New System" run by the W.T !

  • 00DAD

    For one of Jehovah's Witnesses the purpose of life is to do whatever the "Faithful and Discreet Slave tm " tells you to do.

    What a delicious irony, YOU take orders from a "SLAVE" ... so what does that make YOU? Subhuman

  • poopsiecakes

    We're all just minions placed on this planet to worship an invisible being or said being will kill us in a very ugly fashion. If we don't die of old age first. Or from worry about not being a good minion.

  • WTWizard

    "Life should be according to God's purpose, not ours."

    So, if God's purpose is that we live miserable lives and that he alone gets the benefit, why should we work so hard to attain everlasting misery and torture in God's new order? Why should we do all the work so that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag can get all the benefit? And, our "reward" is that Jehovah is happy knowing that we are never going to get anything that would have made us happy.

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