Elder father sent me an email about Feb 2012 WT - my resposne

by TheStumbler 97 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tornapart

    I would agree with Oz about this. But I don't believe it's just 'some' JWs that feel this way. Most friends (die-hards) I have discussed this with will say personally they feel uncomfortable about the thought of God killing billions of good people just because they are not JWs. The doctrine is only really there to keep JWs under control and working hard to 'save' people. The ideas presented to the public makes it look good, that God is going to destroy millions (of genuinely wicked people) and save billions of good people. Once they're in they hooked and under control. It's working on that natural human compassion that we have inbuilt in us that will get others to see it. When they say God sees into peoples hearts, what they are really saying is they don't for one minute believe God is going to kill billions and that's the time to say maybe JWs aren't the only ones to be saved then. It makes them ask themselves the question.

  • therevealer

    Probably this is off topic to some extent, but for me this is one of the reasons that the fact that the witnesses have debunked the hell fire doctrine is no biggy. They debunk the hell fire doctrine in large part because it paints god as overly cruel. But killing off billions because they didn't respond in a positive way to a message at the door or worse yet were never presented the message in the first place.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    good point revealer

  • blondie

    Many jws do not believe that God is going kill innocent non-jw children or even non-jws that never received "a witness" but believe that God sees into their hearts and judges by that. I was like that but I could never find anything in writing that supported that. I would rationalize that the WTS says they are imperfect and that this was one area. When I started reading Russell's books I realized that he did not preach the destruction of individuals but the destruction of governments, religions, businesses, and that people would then live and improve on the cleansed world society.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Good morning Blondie

    "but the destruction of governments, religions, businesses, and that people would then live and improve on the cleansed world society"

    These things do not exist without people.

    I'm curious. How would that work exactly? Even good people work for bad companies and organizations.


    TheStumbler: you are lucky to be able to have such conversations with a close family member. I'd cherish that.

  • BluesBrother

    I think that it is an excellent response to the e mail. I was reading the same mag today and I was struck by the vagueness of the article, given what we know. This is a public issue, if it was a study article, the words would be very different . The mag gives the impression, if you did not already know their beliefs that it is "the system" and its agents, the military, the police and politicians that will be removed, but ordinary decent people may survive to the New World..That is deception.

    Many dubs have a problem with this too. and rationalize it away or deny it altogether...but the WT definitely teaches that all non believers face death

    Your summation :

    It is for this reason that even if you could convince me intellectually about ‘The Truth’ I would never accept it on a moral level.

    is spot on , reminds me of this cartoon..

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I haven't read all the comments so apologies if this has been addressed already. Great letter TheStumbler. I feel like the point needs to be made to your dad that you are not criticizing Jehovah himself by making clear the Watchtower's position that he is a baby killer - you are showing that the Watchtower is misrepresenting the loving God they claim to worship and represent. If they're mistaken on fundamental points like this one, what else can they not be trusted about?

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Fantastic response - very well reasoned and explained.

    No wonder the rags don't have a Readers' Comments column; a well-thought out rebuttal and expose such as yours would expose their sham cult and doublespeak in short order. Ditto for their website. If they ever allowed comments, the Tower would start to totter pretty quickly.

    Again, fantastic response!

  • Vanderhoven7


  • blondie

    Will Power, I thought I mentioned that Russell believed that organizations like government, religion, business would be destroyed not people. Given understanding that point I tried to make, there would be lots of people to make a cleansed society

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