Do you find that understanding and explaining SPIRITUALITY "is like trying to squeeze mercury with a nutcracker"?

by Fernando 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    This was the observation made by Professor Kieran Flanagan who edited the compendium: "A Sociology of Spirituality".

    At least the good news is that science is making a start in coming to grips with human spirituality.

    One assumes our biggest advances will come from SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious) scientists since they are less constrained by religious baggage, dogma, sectarianism, divided loyalties, conflict-of-interest and other impediments.

  • transhuman68

    I wouldn't try to explain it. That's what Wikipedia is for: ... unless that isn't what you meant...

    Personally, I think psychiatrists are the people who will provide the answers…

  • transhuman68

    crap. dp.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I think it is an apt description.

  • james_woods

    Cats might be easier to herd.

    Of course, you do have to consider that there are die-hard athiests who still believe in UFOs or ESP...probably they would call this "spirituality".

  • ShadesofGrey

    I find it is easy to understand spirituality, but impossible to put into words.

  • Fernando

    Hey Shades! I'm finding that its a journey and the words eventually come. One person described spirituality as: "the power in us, but not of us".

  • trueblue

    I'm Gonna Kick His Ask - YouTube

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