Karma & Running into JWs

by skeeter1 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    I have a relative who "clings" to the JWs. This person goes to the meetings about once, every 6 weeks or so. Gets the magazines, and has a few JW buddies that live nearby.

    I visit this relative's home about once every three or four months. It seems like almost every time I come over, the "Friends" show up for a courtesy call on my relative. Really, it's a guilt trip. It happened again in the past two weeks! A whole carload shows up. I am on good behavior. I say, "Hi" and will engage in small chit-chat. They stayed for about 5 minutes, and were on their way.

    This past tiime, there was an "official" reason - new meeting time. It was really just a guilt trip and they are 'putting in their time' so as to get good marks from the group. "We haven't seen you for a while . . . . want to let you know that there is a new meeting time . . .brought you some magazines . " Of course, my relative doesn't see it at that.

    The JWs have 'no clue' who I am as I do not detect any uppity or apostate alarms going off. I don't think my relative would have the nerve to tell them that I am an outspoken apostate. This person likes to avoid conflict. Perhaps the one JW friend knows who I really am. I mean, they left in a few minutes this time and this one JW didn't talk much to me. The older one wanted badly to talk to me. If only, I could!

    The reason I don't say much is this relative & I don't talk much about religion. This relative knows that I think the JWs are a mind controlled cult, false predictions, problems with doctrines, problems in misquotes, etc. But, if we talk about religion constantly, it only furthers this relative to get on a soapbox and declare that "The JWs have some problems, but they are the only ones who are trying to be True Christians . . . " So, it's better to not talk about religion. We venture onto the topic about once every year, and each time the relative goes back on the soapbox. The last time, I told about Australia's pedophile problems and Russell's interest in pyramidology, dating methods using pyramid methods to come up with 1914, pryamid on grave, masonic symbols, etc. Yes, I got the soapbox argument! "Well, in the past the JWs didn't have everything right . . . the light gets brighter..." Of course, I want to yell, "THINK, DAMMIT, THINK" like Cher did.

    But, I just wonder what is going on. I wonder if this relative mentions to my die-hard JW relatives in Georgia that I am coming over to visit? I wonder if my relatives in Georgia then arrange for this sheperding call to come on just the right day It's just too freaky how it has had to have happened three times out of four times whilst visiting my relative this past year.

    It does let me know that my relative isn't that die-hard over the JWs. If it were, then they wouldn't be visiting. This person has been 'friendly' to the Watchtower for over 40 years, but does not study or regularly attend meetings. I've overheard this person talking to the JWs, making excuses as to overcome the JW's guilt trip techniques, "The KH where I grew up was very cold . . . so, I have a problem getting super involved with the JWs . . . . "

    While one person sees these return visits as "Shepherding calls", I really see them as guilt trips and ways to put in their time. The JWs get extra marks for return visits, and it's a big ego boost if a JW can get someone friendly to talk to in service, much less someone who will occassionally come to the Kingdom Hall.


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