Watchtower on Pollution and Polluters

by Marvin Shilmer 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Watchtower on Pollution and Polluters

    Today I added a new article to my blog addressing Watchtower teaching on pollution, including how folks should respond to polluters. As it turns out, Watchtower has given people timely advice about itself.

    My article is titles Watchtower on Pollution and Polluters and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wasblind

    Thank you Marvin :)

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Very interesting indeed - thanks for digging this up and sharing!

  • WTWizard

    Pollution. That is something the witlesses are good at generating.

    One highly visible way they pollute is how they run their buildings. No windows, or having the blinds closed on their windows, means relying solely on artificial lights. Which are not the most efficient available. Their air conditioners are usually poorly maintained, and even worse run, wasting more energy. And, how many have ever seen a recycling bin at a Kingdumb Hell? Most glass, metal, paper, and #1 or #2 plastic (recyclable in most communities) simply end up in the rubbish instead.

    Another pollution generating activity is all the field circus. How many witlesses have to waste 10 liters or more of gas per day, and sometimes much more, driving across town or counties just to place littera-trash. The drive to the Kingdumb Hell may be 5-6 km in the city, or as much as 60 km for those living in the rural territories, one way. Then repeat to reach the territory. Doing calls wastes even more gas. And those warm-up breaks--wasting more gas keeping the damn car running to run the heater. All of which generates pollution.

    And for what? How much of the littera-trash, printed with highly toxic ink, actually ends up in the rubbish? There is no benefit. And even if anyone did read it and do what they are suggested to, it would be harmful to their health and lives. Spiritual pollution is the result of these religious scams operating, along with the physical pollution that can make them sick.

    Additional sources for pollution: Having to replace a shirt or suit because it's the wrong color. Not because the color is blatantly poor--because the hounders got together and decided it's a white shirt this time. Wear and damage to shoes, shirts, suits, and book bags. Dry cleaning--that actually uses dangerous chlorocarbons that pollute the environment (and outgasses in their cars, homes, and Kingdumb Hells). And other things they have to throw in the rubbish long before they are shot, because of the rules.

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