DEFINING who you are: by Positive statements or by Negatives?

by Terry 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    INTIMATELY, inside our own consciences and values there is a profound core of WHO WE ARE that makes us different from EVERYBODY else.

    What is it that defines YOU?

    Is it what you are FOR?

    Is it what you are AGAINST?

    Are you merely an organism of "for" and "against" reactions?

    Is thre any part of you PRO-ACTIVE rather than merely RE-active?

    What separates man from beast is the rational function of an active mind in THINKING IMPORTANT THOUGHTS and producing great IDEAS.

    Being passively "for" or "against" has little meaning beyond just another chump in a chair with a big fat opinion.

    Are you UP and ACTIVE about anything? Do you contribute money, volunteer time, write articles, organize others?

    Or, do you just bitch and moan and take passive potshots at what you find distateful??

    Here is a tool for sorting out who you are. Please respond if you are interested in this discussion.

    1. Are you excited by things or ideas most? What ideas particularly encourage your enthusiasm?

    2.What is the greatest Virtue you possess and why?

    3.Which is most important: the function of a Social Order or the freedom of an individual to choose their own way?

    4. Is the dysfunction of Government a symptom of anything---or--is it the cause?

    5.Do you view OTHERS as the source of PROBLEMS and do you demand solutions from OTHERS? Or, are you a problem-solver yourself?

    6.What, if any, long range goal most defines you as a person?

    7.Name one thing you would completely eliminate in society and tell one thing you would create if a "magic button" were all you had to push.

    Finally, the background noise of media has become overwhelmingly NEGATIVE, in my opinion. News outlets and commentators are relentless cheerleaders for THEIR side and against the other side rather than NEUTRAL and objective reporters without bias.

    HOW CAN WE ESCAPE simply choosing sides and nodding like a bobble head when "Our" side talks?

    Where do NEW thoughts, ideas and solutions come from INSIDE OF OUR OWN THINKING?

    How do we free ourselves from the tyranny of "me too"?

    Personally, being a unique individual is harder and harder to achieve.

    We, as a Society, are SNOBS. We sneer at music we don't like. We spit contemptuous invective against the political view we don't approve. We stick with "our own kind" and villify "others."

    Is there any escape UNLESS we break free and BECOME who WE ARE?

  • Terry

    I know it's going to be hard to get responses. It is revealing.

    But, neither I nor anybody else is going to "pick on you" for what you say about yourself.

    I would just like to see some "thinking out loud" about individuality.

    I'll go first.

    I'm interested in how people communicate. What methods they use. What words they select. How effective a good communicator is.

    One of my heroes is Mortimer J. Adler. He was the man behind the Great Books of the Western World set. He wrote many books, of course,

    but his HOW TO READ A BOOK is required reading in many schools. He had a book 6 Great Ideas that really opened up my thinking.

    I started pondering what IDEAS are and what these ideas create in our thinking that helps us have a better life.

    I bought a set of the Great Books and took and joined a discussion group. These books were monumental achievements that were impactful on other great writers and thinkers.

    I've always been happiest when I'm around people who discuss ideas and who have them in abundance. People who know how to DO things fascinate me.

    I apprenticed with two wonderfully creative artists who could do just about anything. They spoke a "language" all their own and it took a couple of years to understand what they were really saying.

    I worked in the Arts for almost 20 years and saw all kinds of struggling people hurling themselves at their work and at a clueless public. Some more successful than others. That was eye-opening too.

    I was an artist for awhile. These last 15 years I've been creating music. I'm fascinated not only by "process" but by what others who are extremely original are able to do. Where does their "spark" originate? So many artists begin by imitating their heros. But, splitting off from that and becoming original isn't possible for most.

    I have been a writer for most of my life. Ridding myself of bad habits has been difficult. The chief obstacle is objectivity. How do we become objective about something so subjective? I feel the answer lies in great editing and rewriting. Simplicity is hard to achieve.

    I love children. The most delicious happiness is to be found in their laughter and ability to create fun out of almost nothingl I spend as much time as I can with much younger people than myself.

    I learn the most from people I do not agree with. I feel that bad ideas can only be driven out by better ones. If you can't identify which is which you are in deep doo-doo. Finding the source of bad ideas is often not easy. Too many times we simply repeat what we THINK is true and don't bother to investigate.

    I think that is waaay more than enough to get others started. I define myself by being willing and able to find a way of standing in a different spot and looking at things totally accepted---from an angle not previously viewed. I ask, "What about this?"

    One of the most important questions I've ever asked on this Discussion Board is this.

    What is it about GRACE that destroys God's Justice? Grace seems to only function as a whim that destroys justice (i.e. getting what you deserve).

    Now it is YOUR TURN.

  • AGuest

    I'll play, dear Terry (peace to you!)... and why not? If it'll help "you" get to "know" me better, then it's all good, IMHO):

    1. Are you excited by things or ideas most? What ideas particularly encourage your enthusiasm?

    It really depends on the "thing" or the "idea." Both can excite me, as they are often the "child" of the other; however, I would most probably say ideas the "most."

    2.What is the greatest Virtue you possess and why?

    I would have to say my loyalty, honesty, and love, although not necessarily in that order. My "why" is because that is what others say: the first two from people who know me professionally, have worked with/for me, and who have given professional references to that effect; all three from family and friends.

    3.Which is most important: the function of a Social Order or the freedom of an individual to choose their own way?

    Again, depends. If individuals are able to choose their own way... without harming others (human, non-human, the earth/environment), then that's how it should be. Unfortunately, right now, more individuals are UNABLE to do so... without harming others... and so some kind of social "order" is necessary.

    4. Is the dysfunction of Government a symptom of anything---or--is it the cause?

    Both, IMHO. A symptom of those in power... as well as those who put them in power... and so the cause of more dysfunction. IMHO. Rotten trees can only produce rotten fruit. Neglectful cultivators usually end up with rotten trees, so...

    5.Do you view OTHERS as the source of PROBLEMS

    Sometimes, yes. Because sometimes they are. Not all the time, however, of course. Certainly not of MY problems, for the most part. I am the source of MY problems (well, those my parents weren't responsible for)...

    and do you demand solutions from OTHERS?

    You know, I have to say that I never... and I do mean NEVER... demand solutions from others. I don't even LOOK for solutions from others. I live like I drive: if I'm going slow, then I expect those who need to go faster to go around me. So, I try to move/stay out of the way. If I'm going fast, I recognize that some might not wish/be able to go as fast as I can/do... so I go around them and go on my way. I don't expect ANYONE to go at my pace... whatever that might be at the time... or solve MY problems.

    Or, are you a problem-solver yourself?

    Not sure. What would YOU call me, given the above?

    6.What, if any, long range goal most defines you as a person?

    Being one with Christ... in all ways... literally (vs. technically, now). That means being able to reflect his persona... fully, completely, and perfectly. That does NOT mean being better than others... but being a better "servant" of others. Being able to give MYSELF... on behalf of MY friends (those I love)... without regard for my own life/self. Being able to forgive... completely. Meaning, even forgetting where I should. Being able to lay down my life... if the life of my friends (those I love) called for it... without "bargaining" for my own life instead.

    7.Name one thing you would completely eliminate in society

    Intolerance of difference... in thought, belief, presentation, performance, class, status, ideals, values, etc., so long as those differences did not cause personal harm to others.

    and tell one thing you would create if a "magic button" were all you had to push.

    Absolute and total social/societal equality for all, regardless of their respective differences in whatever manner and on whatever level. I think the only way that can be achieved would be for all of the "barriers" TO such equality to be removed. I won't opine on what I believe the barriers are (there are several), but the result would be that every one could have whatever they wanted... the same as everyone else. Which would remove the "us" and "them" factor. The only way I can see that occurring is transcension of the physical... whether it be the realm, the flesh, the senses of the flesh... whatever it is that prohibits the FREEDOM of some to have/do/be what others have/do/are. If there was nothing that allowed us to say "I/you CAN'T"... in a physical/mental/spiritual way... we would all be free.

    Unfortunately, there is a LOT that allows those sayings ("I/you can't") to exist... and be true.

    Not sure if I explained this last one adequately. I think a more concise way would be to say a button that makes EVERYONE free... in body AND spirit.

    So, that's "me," dear Terry. Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Terry

    Thank you.

    Anybody else?

  • AGuest
    Anybody else?

    . Well! I feel like I should be insulted, dear Ter (peace!) - LOLOLOLOL! Last time I try to keep a thread (from someone whose posts I often find interesting) from dying... LOLOLOL!


    SA, on her own... and hoping you do get more responses... from somebody... apparently, anybody... else... LOLOLOL!

  • tec

    LOL, I'll play too :)

    1. Are you excited by things or ideas most? What ideas particularly encourage your enthusiasm?
    1. Are you excited by things or ideas most? What ideas particularly encourage your enthusiasm?

    That would depend completely upon the thing or idea. I can be very excited about either. Very 'meh' about either also. I can find an idea AS thrilling as the 'thing' of that idea though. Learning more in my faith does, scientific discovery does... pretty much of any sort. Discovering new things altogether.

    2.What is the greatest Virtue you possess and why?
    I forgive on a dime, and hope the best for all... enemy or loved one. Why? Because it frees others from guilt and resentment and negativity which can lead to worse, it is what I would want others to do for me, and it is what my Lord asks me to do. (not necessarily in that order)

    I try not to think about myself like that though - in terms of my virtues. I just 'do'.

    3.Which is most important: the function of a Social Order or the freedom of an individual to choose their own way?

    The latter, I think... though it is not without its consequences, depending on what that individual chooses to do with their freedom. But it is better to be true to what is within you, than just to conform to rules, but to not actually be that person you are pretending to be.

    4. Is the dysfunction of Government a symptom of anything---or--is it the cause?

    A symptom of greed, power corrupting those in charge, ignorance, helplessness to repair all the wrongs of the world because of a lack of knowledge, and a lack of love for all the people you're supposed to be serving... rather than just a few. So a symptom of human nature I guess.

    It can, in turn, cause further problems. A circle.

    5.Do you view OTHERS as the source of PROBLEMS and do you demand solutions from OTHERS? Or, are you a problem-solver yourself?

    I look to myself for the source of problems around me. I search for solutions myself.

    From a world-wide perspective... I still look to what I do wrong, and what I can do right instead. I have an opinion on what others do wrong, I guess. But I focus more on me, as I can only control me.

    6.What, if any, long range goal most defines you as a person?

    I don't know. My only long range goal is to help teach and guide my sons into being caring and good men. (and to grow in my faith, and hope that I can share that with them as well; though that is not in my control)

    7.Name one thing you would completely eliminate in society and tell one thing you would create if a "magic button" were all you had to push.

    I would eliminate intolerance and hate. (sorry, that's two things) But that would eliminate all kinds of other dark/harmful things.

    I don't know as to the second. Have to think about it.



  • wasblind

    Shelby gurl,

    I'm in tears :)) LOLOLOL

  • Terry

    Remember, I said:

    But, neither I nor anybody else is going to "pick on you" for what you say about yourself.

    Thanks to all who participate. I appreciate it. But, I don't want to comment.

  • dm6


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