Happy Christmas War Is Over

by watson 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    While the gods fight it out over reputation, and right to rule...as Watchtower wants us to believe, we continue to muck things up down here on Earth. Warning: Video is a little tough to watch.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This is very sad. I was an original member of the Beatles Fan Club, which ended when they stopped recording. Membership gave me special photos, etc. but the best was the annual Xmas present. The Beatles recorded a Xmas gift for fans only and it was pressed on very thin vinyl that came in the mail. It fell apart after about 100 spins on the turntable. Those vinyls would be worth some money now.

    I think it is great that John wrote a song for everybody, fans and nonfans. It doesn't wear off as you play it. The song is a great combo of Christmas song and peace song. Hear Yoko belt it out. (my least favorite bit). I don't think it comes across as sanctimonious at all. Just some Christmas cheer. Banners in Times Square and London.

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