Catholics Launch First National Ad Campaign

by dontplaceliterature 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • dontplaceliterature

    The Jehovah's Witnesses will make fun of this, and then 20 years from now, will be doing the same thing.

  • designs

    David Splane is taking notes....

  • wha happened?
  • Fernando

    Religion in decline means we must thankfully be approaching its extinction - "freedom from religion".

    This would be great since it has been an appalling failure in connecting us to God, faith and spirituality - quite the opposite - a little arsenic (religion) spoils all the honey (faith & spirituality). It is no accident that it is near impossible to find a single Christian/Jew/Muslim that can explain (from the heart) what the gospel/bissar/injeel is in one word, and one sentence! The blind leading the blind.

    We are now seeing the Mormon adverts (mentioned at the end of the video) on TV in Australia.

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