JW-by-numbers software - have you encountered any?

by cedars 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I've been meaning to ask for some time about software programs that have been developed by Witness nerds who clearly have way too much time on their hands, and which are subsequently circulated among JWs. Has anybody had any experience with them?

    I'll set the ball rolling with a program called Service Meetings Study (I have a copy of version 3.8.5 - having been given it years ago). It's labelled a 'Free Spiritual Activity Aid for Jehovah's Witnesses'. It essentially turns your regular week into a kind of computer game, where you tick boxes on a checklist to say you've prepared for this meeting or that meeting; allowing you to make a note of how many hours you've done on the ministry in comparison with other activities. All of this information is then calculated, and (if I remember correctly) you are given a score that denotes how 'spiritual' you are. One thing I noticed is that no matter how impressive your hours or meeting attendance/preparation may be, you still get marked DOWN for spending even the slightest amount of time on the computer, or infront of the TV.

    This all strikes me as a kind of 'painting by numbers' for JWs who feel they can't follow their faith without imposing a rigid schedule upon themselves, and without being penalized or down-graded for doing things they enjoy. It may not be WT sponsored, but it certainly stems from the mindset that is encouraged in Society literature.

    Does anybody know any examples of similar (perhaps more recent) programs, or know of any Witnesses who use them, or even rely on them?


  • pubtruth

    During the short time I was "zealous", I used this field service time tracking app for iPhone: MyTime

  • cedars

    Thanks pubtruth - I guess that's not all so bad. If you're a zealous publisher, then it's normal to worry about your service hours. I can remember keeping a spreadsheet myself that calculated where I was up to with my hours back when I was pioneering. What disturbs me is the very existence of software programs that go beyond ministry hours and map out how you should be spending your time outside of meetings and ministry. I'm sure that if I encountered one program, there must be others. It wouldn't surprise me if some of them are in the forms of apps for an iPhone, similar to the one you used. I feel that the very existence of such apps or programs is evidence of the culture of 'micro-management' that is encouraged by the Society.


  • outsmartthesystem

    I certainly would not be surprised if the society were to begin distributing such software in the near future. Think about it. If every witness used such software like they do the CD ROM.....you would no longer have thousands of JWs "wondering" how many "spiritual" hours they've put in this week vs how many "fleshly" hours they've put in. The software would be right there in front of you. All you have to do is use it.

    Yet another way to guilt more witnesses into spending more time in "theocratic" activities

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