Be thankful modern day Apostates.....Why???????

by justmom 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • justmom

    ....To be an Apostate is just as terrible a thing to the WTBS as being a Witch or a Sorcerer.

    If the WTBS could legally get away with it, they would literally behead or stone to death all of us just like in mideaval times.

    How I know so. Just Monday this week a Saudi Arabian woman was beheaded on charges of being a witch ( they found a book on sorcery and some vials of "healing potions") as she claimed to be a healer.

    Philip Luther, Interin direct of Amnesty International, said "Charges of witchcraft and sorcery are NOT defined as crimes in Saudi Arabia". He was appalled that they did this!

    He said further, "A Charge of sorcery is often used by the Saudi Government as a SMOKESCREEN under which they punish people for excercising FREEDOM OF SPEECH". (sound familar)

    79 people this year so far have been executed!

    Wondering.....if any were disfellowshipped witnesses.......

    So...our freedom of speech so far is a wonderful thing even if we lost it in the organization for exposing to them who they are! We can take advantage of it on here, and to each other. Let make it a meaningful voice!

    Lots of Love


  • Butterflyleia85

    Totally agree love having a voice without fear

  • sd-7

    I thought this was a pretty horrible situation when I read about that. It made me think of that book 'The Crucible'. The irony was that my mom forbade me to read it when I was in junior high school, and there was this big fuss with my teacher about assigning it.

    Goes to show you, though, what kind of government the Governing Body would have if they were in power. It'd be the same deal. I'm just glad we do at least have freedom of religion here, for now...I think all this anti-Muslim stuff is just another side of a similar coin. Heard about that uproar over Lowe's advertising that 'All-American Muslim' show? I can't understand that--there are millions of Muslims in this country, and most (99.9%) are just as law-abiding as everyone else. Got to keep an eye open, because freedom of belief is being threatened even here all on account of the actions of a handful of nutcases. A shame.


  • LoJack

    My friend and I were talking about how brainwashed the jdubs are and we surmised that if the G.B. told the congregations at their district conventions that they now have new light from Jehovah to stand up and liberate themselves by taking up arms and killing all those who were not j.w.'s they would probably do it. The attendants would be handing out ak47's and handguns to all faithful kool aid drinkers. ( THINK ABOUT IT)


  • wasblind

    In my neck of the woods , you could find yourself in front of a Judge

    for a verbal or written threat to someone

    the WTS need to becareful who they threaten on paper even if they

    do use a bible story to make a point, folks can read between the lines

    I myself don't make threats, I just state facts and that is :

    Don't test me >:(

  • designs

    We are not going to see the Society inciting publishers to violence. They know the Public and World Courts are watching them. They have and do dance a dangerous line in their journals and public talks when they held up children who died from lack of a blood transfusion as martyrs and by using Biblical examples of God destroying people. They will continue to dance that line and when the Courts smack them with fines or pull their non-profit statis they will pause and regroup.

    Among the greatest dangers to humanity are the World's Religions, Islam and Christianity lead the list, just listen to the Christian conservative candidates and the pastors who back them.

  • ex360shipper


    The question is not whether the Society would or would not, but whether the faithful sheep would follow through. I agree that they would. But I also cannot fathom it actually happening.

  • flipper

    JUST MOM- I agree with you. Great thread. Good points. We DO have a voice as Ex-Witnesses and we need to use it to help others break free of mind control , or at least use our freedom of speech to expose the WT society and JW culture. We live in a society that so far - we won't be murdered by the WT society for voicing our opinions - as that poor Arabian lady was- however the WT society tries to murder our reputation by calling us " mentally diseased " so that our families will look at us as " dead " to them - even though we are quite alive with good ideas ! It's a mind control ploy the WT society uses on JW's to foster hate and vitriol within them so they won't listen to us.

    Another side note is the U.S. continues to think we should view Saudi Arabia as a friend only because we get oil from them. But the money trail led to Saudi Arabia being responsible for the 9/11 attacks and who knows if Bush was in cahoots with the Saudis involvement in it ? Point I'm making is we just can't blinly trust the U.S. to tell us who our friends are- and who our friends are not. Just as we can't trust the WT society to do the same.

    Here is a song from Jackson Browne that tells us we can't trust the U.S. government to look out for oUR needs- they are looking out for the high government officials needs !

  • TD
    If the WTBS could legally get away with it, they would literally behead or stone to death all of us just like in mideaval times.

    I'm sure the hatred is there, but given their quasi-pacifism and aversion to weapons in general and firearms in particular, it's pretty much a "If looks could kill" type of thing.

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