Setting of dates - they all do it

by Anator 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anator

    Whether the average dub realizes it or not, they all set dates in relation to the time of the end. I remember one who stated that he was not going to invest in any retirement funds due to the end would come before he needed it. Another said he does not want to invest in this system due to the end is imminent. I remember one getting consoled for having any more kids in this system, he replied in saying that the big ‘A’ will come before they’ll even enter school. That experience was back in the mid 80’s. That kid is now grown and perhaps with kids of their own. I know that so-called generation theory more than likely made an impact to their assumptions but how many have you known that made statements regarding the end; almost presuming they know when it will be?

  • DesirousOfChange

    What I think is noteworthy, is that I no longer hear these kind of statements nor see many living as though the end is sure to come tomorrow. I hear them planning retirement strategy (not fringe JWs, mainline JWs), buying new homes while the market is down, taking fun vacations instead of working in Seldom Worked Territory, etc. Then there are comments like " your life like Armageddon is coming tomorrow, but plan it like it may never come in your lifetime...." The results of the "overlap" doctrine are pretty amazing.



    Armageddon is..

    Just around the Corner..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • thetrueone

    The whole doctrinal structure of the WTS. was setting dates and making grandiose conclusions upon when the end would come.

    This did two things for the WTS. publishing house in that it attracted attention to their published works and secondly infused a state of fear

    to promote any lured follower to distribute their literature. Taking bible scripture out of context to support these proclamations was part

    their expressed game. For most part it worked noting how much literature the WTS. produced since its existence.

    Some people can see through this disingenuous marketing strategy and some unfortunately cant.

  • thetrueone

    The WTS/JWS is a clear and obvious example of fear mongering Charlatanism, produced from a disingenuous religious publishing house, but

    again sourced from the book of Truth, the bible.

  • LostGeneration

    Where they really get hurt is when it comes to planning for retirement. You see a ton of comments on here from "apostates" who have parents that put their faith in the 1975 date. Now they are faithful as ever, but dirt poor - scraping by on social security. Most don't get much from SS, as they never maximized their earnings. Plenty rented for their whole life, as the big A was always "right around the corner." So they live in tiny apartments now, scooping up the discounts for seniors as they waste their golden years in the recruiting work.

    I dont know if the next generation will do much better. Plenty buy houses now, and with no Watchtower date being dangled out in front of them hopefully they will remain sane and not dump their jobs and homes like they did 36 years ago. But I doubt many are funding their 401k accounts like they should, and while SS will probably be around in some form, the benefits have to be reduced/reformed just to keep the system afloat.

  • thetrueone

    Another thing to note is that the WTS. has never been richer as far the organization's entire financial assets.

    Well over a billion + $$$ US. today.

    Religious organizations are not under any legal obligation to refund monies or property back to people.

    The WTS. has known that very a long time as well, like the many other religious organizations set up in the States.

    The real symbol for religion is this $ , the public sale of the " End times " created a financial win-fall for this religious publishing house

    as well for the many other religious Charlatans who were endeavored to cash in as well. Harold Camping Ministries.,

    Jack Van Impe Ministries. etc. etc.

  • WTWizard

    It is fine to estimate dates for events, providing you don't make everyone else sell out and bet on those dates. I admit that I attempt to estimate when hyperinflation is coming, but I know it can be delayed quite a long time (and it will be all the worse when it does come). But I am not going to advise anyone to close out your bank accounts, go as deeply into debt, and get rid of all your possessions to buy silver as if tomorrow it was going to the moon. It could, but the Establishment could manage to hold silver down another year or more before (and then you would be up the creek without a paddle).

    And, it is even worse when the plans are based on nothing more than someone pushing a date to get people to sell out. I know hyperinflation is coming when they keep printing money and holding back people from creating value for the economy. The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, on the other hand, only want people to sell out and pious-sneer. They had no valid way of knowing Armageddon was coming in, or even near, 1975. There are no forces that mandate Armageddon that were not in place during the Roman decline. Jehovah didn't respond then, and he is not going to lift a finger when the United Tyranny of Stupidity degenerates to a full totalitarian state and Agenda 21+ cuts off all future happy hope for the human race. Jehovah is just going to sit there, dangling hope for the future where none exists so mankind will continue accepting enslavement, right up until man is no longer allowed to even think about any such thing.

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