Leaving a Cult - Hollywood v Reality

by Mickey mouse 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I was thinking today about the classic scenario of someone leaving a cult; Steve Hassan's experience is a good example. When he left the Moonies, he had a loving family on hand to support him emotionally, physically and financially - protecting him from the daily demands of normal life whilst he recovered from the psychological trauma he had been through.

    Sadly for JWs, this is not the case, and especially not for us born-ins. We have to make our exit whilst alienated from family, usually whilst having to continue going to work, caring for children and dealing with the strain placed upon our marriages.

  • leavingwt

    Great point.

    Many JWs are third and fourth generation, with both sides of the families being inside.

    In these situations, when making a clean break, it's an uphill battle to begin a new life.

    The good news is that you stop the cycle and look towards the future. Your children and grandchildren will have a different heritage.

  • undercover

    That's why support forums like this are important, I think.

    While we can't be there personally or anything, just listening, adding comments and such can help others cope.

    I think that's why there seems to be an exodus of dubs leaving. They no longer have to go it alone, wondering if they're crazy or demonized. They can see from these boards that hundreds, thousands, have gone before them and have endured the same exact thing.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    I think that it is this way in no small part because of the fact that the WT knows that many of us have extensive families who are Witnesses, and thus feels that it's own disfellowshipping policy acts as a cleansing method since many of the newly DFed don't have anywhere to go and know nobody. While a lot of DFed remain that way, I'd have to imagine that a huge percentage eventually come back. As we all know, once you have the DF mark on you, it never quite washes away, even after reinstatement.

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