Imaginary friends

by Aussie Oz 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    As part of a talk with my daughter last weekend i informed her i had an imaginary friend with me.

    His name i said was kevin and he was a little leprechaun. I asked if she believed he was true and there... I said i see not, therefore i am never going to speak to you again until you come to me and tell me you believe...

    She got the point...


  • trueblue

    Amy Winehouse - Fuck Me Pumps - YouTube

  • sizemik

    Illustrations that simplify Oz . . . sounds very TMS . . . but hey, it works. I guess that's why JC's teachings are so popular?

    I think your daughter is mentally out and just needs to deal with the Mum factor wisely, with your help of course. You've done a good job there.

  • finallysomepride

    I'm not a little leprechaun


    although i have used this as my avatar

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    I didn't imagine kevin!

    oh my freaking god...this changes everything...wanna starta religion kevin!?


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You are doing such an awesome job with your daughter Aussie...she is very lucky to have a dad that loves her so much

  • Miles3

    First I didn't understand and thought it sounded like (mental) child abuse... Then I got your point and it's so brilliant I'll have to check your other posts to see if you've shared other gems before, because that method is so simple yet so powerfull... Your daughter will hopefully realise one day that she had a wonderful father.

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