Aliens vs Predator 2

by mindfield 3 Replies latest social entertainment

  • mindfield

    Yup, i've rented the game, and apparently it's an excellent first-person shooter, made by the same companies who made No One Lives Forever. I say apparently because I'm having some problems with it. Now, normally i wouldn't resort to this, but I've already emailed Sierra for help, and who knows when they'll respond. Seeing that some of you here are very good in computers, I'll describe what's going on and hope for the best before 5 P.M.

    It's the stupidest error ever. During installation, the setup asks for CD 2 about halfway through. No problem. So I put in CD2, the setup gets about at 90%, when all of a sudden, the cd speed goes down, everything is silent for a while, and the setup asks for CD 0. Come on.

    I've tried the tips included in the readme.txt file Sierra has so graciously included, with no avail. They suggested copying all the CD files from both CD's to the hard disk. It was a good idea, until a file from CD 2 got me foaming. is the culprit. It just won't be copied! I tried in DOS, but nothing worked. When it gets to 85% of copying, again, it slows down, and after 30 seconds, there is an error. AAAargh.

    I've tried fiddling with the CD-Rom properties (auto insert notification, etc.) but no. I've updated the drivers, but no. I've even tried doing all of the above with my Cd-burner instead, which would have supposed to work, but the exact same things happen. AAAArgh.

    *end of rant*

    Anyone have suggestions? Plllleeeeeeze?

  • slipnslidemaster

    Bad disk? Return, rent different disk?

    Slipnslidemaster:"Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many."
    - David Hasselhoff

  • mindfield

    It would surprise me... after all, it's pretty new...

  • mindfield

    I've went on some forums, and some other guys had exactly the same problems as me.

    When i am installing AvP2 it installs fine untill disk 2 at 95%, on the file SOUNDS.REZ its asks for disk 0 and i dont have a disk 0, disk 1 and 2 dont work and it just says that the setup can no find the file it wants.

    This must be a software related issue...

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