Doctor beggs family for transfusion

by Beans 5 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Beans

    I heard old story today about a Doctor in a Toronto Hospital who had an 18 year old guy in his ER room who was in a tragic car accident and was in need of blood.The Doctor was informed that the boy was a JW and he went out to the parents and pleaded on his knees to let him give him the blood.After his attempts informing them he would die the parents still stuck to there guns in his frustration the Doctor screamed "Ok then Fuck You" and left with his hands tied knowing he could do nothing.Well the young man died!

    How could any parent do that?I don`t call this a religious belief I call it MURDER refusing ones right to life.


  • Naeblis

    Do you have any newspaper clippings? Internet pages? Anything to substantiate this besides hearing from a friend of a friend who heard it from a friend?

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    kinda like all the stories you tell me naebs?

    seriosuly tho, this sounds kinda shady beans... *shrug*

    (i like to shrug)

    you're happy cause you smile but how much can you fake...

  • larc

    Hey Bitter,

    Why does it sound shady to you. Sounds real, real to me.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    hi larcy well it does sound plausible, but i wanna see some kind of artical on it or something.

    you're happy cause you smile but how much can you fake...

  • Beans

    This happened at East York General Hospital between 1986-1989 when my friend just started nursing there!

    I would never lead you down the wrong path sister!

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