Elder's Who Use The Platform Or Special Needs For Their Own Agenda. Dodo Bird Egg Busienss.

by AvocadoJake 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • AvocadoJake

    Elder (Loud mouth, mega-opinion, coveting of wealth.) decided he wanted to be part of a group of brothers that were going to risk their money on a Dodo (real bird's name, changed for his privacy.) bird egg business. Brother Vociferous wanted his chance to finally spread his wings and show the brothers he was a real businessman. He would finally be free of his "hand me down." business that was based off of the brothers and sisters refering clients to him. Brother 'boisturious.' would no longer have to guilt the Kindom Hall friends, when they used a different service than his or cry "Oh how broke I am, I could have used the money!" Brother Loud had images of wealth, a corvette with soft top, gold chains around his neck, and pure euphoric bliss. This he would experience, once the one hundred DoDo birds starting laying eggs, money, money, money! The business projection was so rosy, they would pay off all loans by fiscal year 1 and these dodo birds would provide a golden nest egg for him!

    100 DoDo birds Days laying (He reasoned in his head, one a day, two a day?) Price per egg: $15 to $30 depending on Market.

    As all good things must come to an end, he entered the business as the DoDo egg market began to collapse and crushed their investment ($250,000.), with him holding to empty paper bag of broken egg shells. Brother loud mouth elder began to reason, "hey brother Jx and Dx are rich, they can afford to lose their money but I can't! I will bow graciously and tell them I will not pay!" and the war started. Brother Loud gave the example of "Why do brothers try to muzzle the bull, when it should be eating?" Why are you wanting me to pay you back? He did not pay and used the platform to talk about brothers and sisters who did not forgive debts, or should file BK so he did not have to. What would you do if you were brother rich? Would you make this brother who lives off his mother pay his debt?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    He'll be investing in alpacas or olive tree farms next.

  • sizemik
    Would you make this brother who lives off his mother pay his debt?

    How do you do that? What if he has nothing to pay with? Are you willing to use the courts? What other fallout will result?

    The moral obligation he has is a given. An honest cost/benefit analysis might tell you something else though.

  • Balaamsass

    20 years ago a pile of JWs lost big $$ on goat herding and Ostriches. If it is in writting, I would enforce my contract.

  • finallysomepride

    damn they are so easily scammed,

    how many mlm business' have done the rounds with jws LOL

  • AvocadoJake

    This sweating slob, was always looking for a way out of his contract and promise he had made. He had the money to pay through time installments, Brother Rich could afforded to accept installment plans (and offered to!) until "The End." but Elder loud tried his best to be a Welcher. The funny part of this whole investment scheme, is brother loud, got to keep his elderhood without prejudice. Llamas, Alpacacas, Ponzi Schemes, Pay Day Loans, Emu, Ostrich, Dodo Farms yet no time to Sheperd The Flock!

  • dozy

    JWs always seem to be the sucker for every wacko business idea that comes along. Ponzi schemes , "health food" scams , "green detergents" , slimming foods etc - you name it. I saw it so often over the years & still see JWs today hoover up the latest money making fad. When I was a JW I managed to persuade many not to join up or to quit before they lost too much money.

    Many just lack the nous to be able to look beyond the glossy printed materials & enthusiastic testamonials (presumably because they already have fallen for the WTBTS scam & are easy meat for similar methods.)

  • AvocadoJake

    It goes to show you, they don't read the Watchtower or Awake which does warn against getting involved with these business ventures. If they read the magazines, they would not have lost all their retirement cash. The problem is that, not a few DOs and COs and Elders lost their arse on the great Ponzi Scheme in 1996. This brother promised 20 percent per year, a Glowing Bright Rrrreeed flag!!!!!!!!!!!! by any logical manner, anything above T-Bonds is risk, yet this brother said "No Risk, Just gain!" The Watchtower can't be blamed for this greed, they are warned and warned and yelled at to avoid this crap! They don't listen to Mother!

  • LongHairGal

    Avocado Jake:

    While I don't recall the platform being used for commercial things, I do recall it being used by certain brothers who felt offended by the congregation and used it as a platform to "chastise" people there in general for real or imagined offenses or slights.

  • AvocadoJake

    These man was on a mission to try to get the two brothers to forgive his debt. He is not a good man and still lives with his ninety year old Mammy, she pays for his bills, and he has to live with her. This lazy sucker, won't even do the yard work or anything, just spend her money. The new elders have put a muzzle on his big mouth and he is having to pay a few bucks a month to his partners. We use to call him "Babby Huey." it just stuck to him, still living with Momma for reasons other than caring for her. She takes care of him and his wife, his mother use to complain to me, how lazy he was, and how he loved to spend her social security money.

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