Realizing and Acknowledging the Corruption of the Watchtower Corporation

by thetrueone 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    Probably the best way for anyone who takes a glancing interest in this organization is to

    openly examine and review this Religion from the ground up. Where it got started, what

    were its starting core doctrines in comparison to other Christian based faiths.

    Who were the prime emerging developers and what really were their expected endeavored intentions.

    You have to start your research of course back to C T Russell and J Rutherford as the prime developers

    of this religious publishing organization.

    They were no doubt free thinking opportunists who freely expressed their own religious theologies, the way

    they assertively wanted to for themselves and otherwise, i n a country where freedom of religious self expression

    is encouraged and supported by the government of where these particular men had reside.

    The most prominent doctrine concerning these men, expressed by them through speech and literature

    proliferation was the great return of Christ and and his incoming earthly and heavenly kingdom arrangement.

    This one single doctrine alone attracted many to the organization's assemblies

    and also gravitated great attention to their many published works. Was it a legit and truthful proclamation to make so prominently

    out toward the public ?, hardly as time itself has proved but nevertheless it did accomplish one thing and that it did attract attention to themselves

    and their literature.

    It also regrettably created power toward these men that comes rarely from men with their kind of specific background.

    In 1919 the WTS. and its then leader J Rutherford, announced that god had chosen them (his organization) to dispel bible truths and them alone,

    the WTS. instantly became god's voice for all mankind to hear and understand. Quite the self promotional announcement to make but with its own

    prosperous accumulative merits.

    The message he sent out was the day of judgment was coming soon, so if you want to be included as one of the few chosen and

    saved from this calamitous destruction, j oin are organization, buy and read are literature, distribute are literature and work for the

    organization, by doing this, it is the only way to save yourself.

    In reality it was nothing but a coercive fraud to exploit and manipulate people to the orgaizatinon's profiteering agenda and the expansion of that

    sole agenda, as well to further expand the power toward these disingenuous men.

    The endeavored attempt by men toward self empowerment easily and usually leads to corruption in one way or another even in the nocuous realm of


  • imfreeimfree
  • thetrueone

    Thanks for the link Imfree, appreciate it.

    One thing you can correctly assume is the WTS. doctrines came out most for public commercial consumption.

    Expressed theology for the purpose of proliferation of literature.

  • Bella15

    Yeap ... I did exactly that ... " openly examine and review this Religion from the ground up"

  • wobble

    I did too Bella, as soon as I worked out that the 1914 thing was total crap. And the whole house of cards that is JW/WT theology and history came tumbling down.

    So many lies !!!!!

    The thread title talks of the corruption of the WT, which could lead one to think that at one time they were pure, if simply mis-understanding scripture.

    But CTR was not lilly-white by any means, nowhere near as bad as Rutherford true, but from the very start it has been a dishonest scam.

  • thetrueone

    I personally see Russell as more of a sales/charlatan kind of individual, who was more concerned about drawing attention to his books and to himself.

    Where on the other hand Rutherford was more driven by self consuming power and control.

    The title Judge Rutherford was used to introduce himself and he obvious languished with this kind of held to personal stature.

    When Rutherford rustled the spot of presidency of the Publishing Corporation, this once again upped his own self image and built something greater

    toward his personal ego.

  • leavingwt

    In 1919 the WTS. and its then leader J Rutherford, announced that god had chosen them (his organization) to dispel bible truths and them alone,

    the WTS. instantly became god's voice for all mankind to hear and understand. Quite the self promotional announcement to make but with its own

    prosperous accumulative merits.

    thetrueone: Thanks for highlighting this.

    Don Cameron's book deals extensively with this extraordinary claim. For any who haven't read it, you can obtain the PDF at Don's site, below. If you cannot afford the book, contact Don and he will give you a copy.

    Captives of a Concept

  • thetrueone

    One thing that can be certainly realized is that the WTS. Corporation has man written all over it, from its beginning roots up

    to its present day existence.

    Sometimes men can be driven by power alone not necessarily by money, although the money is certainly there now built up by

    fabricating coercive lies and deliberately devised misinformation.

    Religion was never really about the " Truth " anyway was it ? which holds its on subjective irony when you think about it.

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