Humorous Church signs.

by jam 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    First Reformed Church--Keep using my name in vain, I'll

    make rush hour longer_God

    Presbyterian________There are some questions that can,t

    be answer by Google.

    Our Savior's---------------You may party in hell, but you will be

    the Barbque.

    Church of God--------------Honk if you Love Jesus text while

    driving if you want to meet him.

    Ray of Hope---------------Thou shall not steal the copper from

    AC unit.

    Christian Fellowship-------Church parking, Trespasser,s will

    will be Baptised

    First Baptist------------Who,s Your Daddy?

    Baptist-------------------Whoever is praying for snow, please stop.

    The First church of Awesome

    Works---------------------How do we make Holy water? We boil the

    hell out of it!

    No name Church--------Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake and

    the snake didn,t have A leg to stand on.

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