JW comment on my facebook newspage turns my stomach..

by Snoozy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Snoozy

    Trying to figure out why..This is in reference to the small boy that was abducted and killed today. Why doe they think it is their duty to turn it into a witness..This person usually posts about how great things were when she was a teen and hanging out and how she wishes she could go back to those fun times.. posts various You Tubes with oldies and once in a great while she breaks from it all and posts how great Jehovah is..then she goes back to all her worldly facebook friends..I really can't stomach hypocrites!


    I really hate this old world .Satan really is the ruler of it! The Bible says man will go from bad to worse!Some people are just EVIL and sick!!!!!!!!My heart goes out to little Tylers family!We are definitely living in the time of the end!

  • Joliette

    SMH...seeing everyone die at the big A will be a sense of satisfaction to the witnesses. Justice served those non-believers!

    I'm sorry about the kid dying.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    They no longer have a moral compass.

    They cannot handle reality of life, the devil just must be doing it all. People have been thinking and talking like that ever since jebus died. Two thousand years of mono thought...the end is near, the end is near, the end is near.

    They hope against all probability because they have lost the ability to look forward to anything other than the illusion they have had constructed for them. Anything that gets through and touches them, as this situation must have, just prompts the automatic reaction, the end is near the end is near the end is near...


  • nugget

    It is their way of justifying being on a site that they have been told to avoid. It's all good because they have used the opportunity to give a witness. Because there is no face to face interaction they cannot see how others view their posts as inappropriate and lacking taste. These stories are so sad the poor parents must be beside themselves this is not a time to peddle religion but offer compassion.

  • outsmartthesystem

    They are programmed to think that way. Anything good that happens within the organization is seen as Jehovah blessing the work. Anything bad that happens in the world is seen as men advancing from bad to worse....therefore the end is right around the corner. Her mind has been conditioned to reply to any situation this way

  • Ding

    That's a consequence of the WTS mind control.

    EVERYTHING must be seen through the WT prism.

    EVERYTHING is proof that Armageddon is coming any day now.

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