A Question for you Witnesses

by KW13 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    If Jehovah created the perfect planet for us to live on forever in paradise, why has he designed and created what is essentially a doomed planet?

    Originally the moon was extremely close, but at the moment its inching away (literally)

    Eventually the effect will dramatically change life on earth, before rendering the earth inhabitable. A long long time from now, yes but millions or even billions of years have nothing on forever. Thoughts?

    I thought he'd perfectly aligned the planets in order to preserve us?

  • KW13

    Just throwing a topic bump out there. Any dubs wanna bite? It's only been 7 months lol.

  • chichimama_2

    Wow, 7 months and no answer from them.

    JWs would probably say that its all man's fault that things are out of balance.

    That Jehovah will balance the planets along with the earth after Armagedon.

    Or they would say the scientists are wrong.

    I asked my mom why Jehovah would create creatures that eat blood if he thought it was sacred and wrong to do so.

    She said that he did not create them to eat blood.

    She said originally they were designed to live off plant juices and it is because of mans sin and abuse of the earth that they have changed over to blood.

    Just like carniverous creatures, they will all go back to eating vegetation in the New World!

    Sound reasoning doesn't work with them because they live in a fairyland.



  • Bobcat

    I'll throw something into the fray, not as a "dub," but just as an observation.

    I haven't studied anything on the subject, so these comments are not derived from any great personal knowledge:

    Man has only been studying the moon to the 'inch' degree for a relative short time.

    Is it possible that there is a movement cycle that spans a greater time period than the observational period?

    For example, if I looked at my neighbor for a minute, I might observe him moving away from me. A longer observation might reveal that his direction away from me was not sustained.

    Is it possible that earth's gravity has long term cycles of fluctuation that affect the distance of the moon?

    Is it possible that there are fluctuations in the theoretical 'Higgs' field that are beyond our observation for now?

    Concerning the Higgs Effect see here.

    Is it possible that long term fluctuations in the Sun or earth's orbit around the Sun have an effect on the distance between moon and earth?

    Is it possible that there are fluctuations in the theorized 'dark matter' that have an effect on the orbital distance of the moon?

    Concerning 'dark matter' see here.

    I agree with your point that the distance of the moon to the earth can have beneficial and/or catastrophic consequences.

    (In the remake of "The Time Machine," the breakup of the moon is shown as causing the demise of modern society. (See here)

    But I tend not to put a lot of faith in long-term conclusions drawn from relatively short-term observations.

    Also, if God does exist, he is a factor/force that has been left out of the conclusion. This would necessarily throw the conclusion into question the same as any hypothetical conclusion of my stepping off a roof top would be in error if I did not take gravity into account.

    You said that "originally the moon was extremely close." I thought that the theory held by most was that originally the moon was part of the earth. Of course, that might be what you meant by "extremely close." It could be that I haven't kept up with the latest ideas. But that leads to another question:

    Is it possible that the moon's distance is still settling out from its original movement away from the planet. If this was the case, then, it might take a longer observational period to confirm. Also the (admittedly theorized) settling out speed might be affected by other factors as I mentioned above.

    I imagine that most Witnesses (or other people of faith) would express the idea that God would take care of it, one way or another, just as He would take care of any possible burn out of the sun or any other possible astronomical problem that was beyond mankind's control.

    For example, compare Psalm 115:16.

    Take Care

  • Bobcat

    Incidentally, I do want to thank the questioner for prompting a search for info.

    Here is some of what I found. Not like anything I was expecting:



    Here is Wikipedia. Below is a paragraph from it. Very interesting.

    The Moon is gradually receding from the Earth into a higher orbit, and calculations[9][10] suggest that this would continue for about fifty billion years. By that time, the Earth and Moon would become caught up in what is called a "spin-orbit resonance" or "tidal locking" in which the Moon will circle the Earth in about 47 days (currently 27 days), and both Moon and Earth would rotate around their axes in the same time, always facing each other with the same side. (This has already happened to the Moon -- the same side always faces Earth. This is slowly happening to the Earth.) However, the slowdown of the Earth's rotation is not occurring fast enough for the rotation to lengthen to a month before other effects change the situation: about 2.3 billion years from now, the increase of the Sun's radiation will have caused the Earth's oceans to vaporize[11], removing the bulk of the tidal friction and acceleration.

    Take Care

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