Morality 3: Of Objectivity and Oughtness (YouTube)

by leavingwt 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Part 3 of the YouTube series on Morality by QualiaSoup.

  • dgp

    Bookmarked for tomorrow.

  • sizemik

    Great series LWT

    Thanks for posting

  • Qcmbr

    Clear, logical, excellent. Should be required material for all school children.

  • talesin

    Leaving, you might enjoy this a great book for exploring Philosophy.

    Each chapter examines a philosophical question, one of them being moral relativisim. Each chapter includes essays from philosophers with differing viewpoints,,, from Socrates and Aristotle, to Russell and Rand, Sojourner Truth, right up to French. As it's a textbook, it has questions to help stimulate thought/discussion, too. One of my fav books, ever!

    (used paperback is incredibly cheap on Amazon, less than 10 bux - it's been around for a while, as I took it back in 95)

  • talesin

    Just in case the picture didn't post, and you only see a red X, it's called Twenty Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy, authors Bowie, G. Lee; Michaels, Meredith W.; and Robert C. Solomon.


  • sizemik
    Should be required material for all school children. . . . Qcmbr

    You are speaking my language. Educating our children properly instead of training them to make the same mistakes, is the only way to get real change IMO. Our schools spend too much time teaching what to think instead of how to think. Thinking skills are our greatest asset. So it makes sense to teach them as early as possible . . . to every kid at school, so everybody gets it. Then hope they grow up seeing things more clearly . . . and make better decisions. The world then get's better, because people learn how to use their brains better.

    When CS&N said "Teach Your Children Well" they were talking to all of us. The internet has opened up a whole new world of opportunities to do some things better. Global influence over individual countries, and greater cooperation internationally is a good trend. There's more pressure from the ground up as well. Freedom of information makes for greater accountability. The next generation can use that to their advantage if they're smart. Organised religion might take a step back as well . . . if we teach the kid's how to think.

    Sorry about jacking the thread a bit, but these videos hit a bit of nerve . . .

    ED: Thanks for the recommendation tal . . . that looks interesting.

  • leavingwt

    talesin: Thank you for the recommendation.

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