Why JWs Wisely Use Their Free Time

by compound complex 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Asked of Milton Henschel:

    And what will the brothers do if we give them more free time?

    His reply:

    Probably use it in watching TV.

    Ray Franz's Response:

    "Whether they consciously think of it in this connection, the men in positions of leadership also know that the Watch Tower organization has produced a publishing empire of tremendous size, one that has taken decades to build up. That publishing system with its large, expensive branch offices and printeries and the impressive, multi-storied dwellings for those operating these, are a source of considerable pride and a frequently cited evidence of divine blessing and prosperity. Any diminishing of the pressure on Witnesses to engage in door-to-door activity with the publications flowing from that system could eventually cause that empire to crumble or require its being largely dismantled. I seriously believe that for many of those in the organizational leadership, the very idea of this is unthinkable."

    In Search of Christian Freedom, page 232

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Any diminishing of the pressure on Witnesses to engage in door-to-door activity with the publications flowing from that system could eventually cause that empire to crumble or require its being largely dismantled. I seriously believe that for many of those in the organizational leadership, the very idea of this is unthinkable."

    The Watchtower is essentially a gigantic paid clergy publishing company which makes its money off of volunteer labor and real estate. Anything or anyone that doesn't contribute to it, is viewed as a threat. When I was at the KM School last year, Bro. Mercante was the chairman, and he did the part on Education. The part he did was pretty much a prelude to the Divine Education part done at Service Meetings a couple weeks back. During that part at the KM School, he pretty much stated that if any one decides to either themselves or support their young adult sons/daughters in persuing a college education, that person is displaying a lack of faith in The Slave, and by their actions are saying that they know better than the GB. During that part he went out of his way in a personal attempt to awe us in attendance of the fact that he personally gets to report to those of the annointed who will someday be in heaven. I guess he's on the Writing Committee or the Teaching Department, or whatever. He stated that he and another non-annointed brother would sometimes say amongst themselves in more words or less, "Wow, we're working for and with someone who's going to be in heaven someday!"

    At that point, I had a couple thoughts to myself, one being he's really delusional and at the same time creature worshiping. But the other thing that really stood out to me was that his entire way of living is directly tied up with the going ons of average every day JWs. If those JWs aren't out there volunteering their time and resources for the Org, than Bro. Mercante's way of life is threatened, and at his age, that can't be a good thing. I couldn't imagine being Medicare aged and having to fend for myself for the first time in my life. Ya know, getting a job, paying bills, washing my own clothes, saving money and all the other things that go in harmony with, doing for self. Those in powerful places in WT-Land, just can't afford this gravy train coming to an end.

    edit post: I was starting to wash some dishes, and I thought about the couple JW families I know with cleaning companies. For the record I hate the gross stereotype of JWs being window washers as I find that offensive considering the far majority of JWs that I know who DONT make a living doing such. However, there are plenty of JW who are in good standing, and plenty who are Circuit Stars who have businesses in construction, maintenance, and cleaning amongst other trades, who make a signifcant amount of their living due to the social network and readily available customers amongst their fellow JW brothers and sisters. In my congregation alone, I can think of 3 families at least who would take a significant financial loss if the congregation dissolved overnight. You could say that those same families have a lot at stake with this organization and stand to lose as much as WT Heavyweights if something were to ever impact this organization in a negative way.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, George, for this first-hand account of the real drive behing the preaching of the so-called Good News of the Kingdom. More like the Kingdom of Mammon and his minions.

    Excellent commentary!



  • hamsterbait

    Coco -

    The Borg would take away even what little free time dubbies have if they could.

    Lovely to see you happier. When will you let us hear some of your music?

    HB OXO

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, dear Hamster, for replying.

    I have been contemplating doing some Christmas tunes juxtaposed with Kingdom Melodies. Pianos are everywhere and I have friends who can shoot me while performing. You have been so kind to persist in asking, but I must put a bag over my head.

    You shall be the first to know!


    CoC de la Musique

  • WTWizard

    Let's see what I could do with the time it wastes to pious-sneer:

    First, I could go online and find out whether the religion actually holds its ground against the truth. I could also find out what is going on in the country from another source--and find a country where it isn't as bad as here. Chances are good that things aren't really as bad worldwide as the Washtowel is making it out to be. Global enslavement may well be on its way, but is being a Jehovah's Witless going to help you when it gets here? And, chances are good that you are wasting your time doing nothing useful anyways.

    Another thing I could do with the effort of regular pious-sneering is to move to another country, where I can actually start a business that is worthwhile. Yes, it is a lot of work. Visas, health and police checks, getting a business plan, learning a new trade so I can start a business that is viable, getting packed, finding a shipping company to handle it, moving, getting settled in the new company, and actually starting the business is very hard work. Possibly as hard as pious-sneering would be. But, at the end of a couple of years, I would have a business to show for it, a safe ring-side seat to watch my former country become a dictatorship or slave camp, plenty of money, and the satisfaction that I am helping the economy a bit in my new country. Which is a lot more than could be said about pious-sneering.

    The worst that could happen is that I get some knowledge about a new trade, the ability to fix my own computer when it conks out, knowledge that my ID hasn't been stolen, and some insight on a new country along with what's involved in moving. Again, that is better than what you get from reading Washtowel littera-trash and pious-sneering.

  • truth_b_known

    I had a Presiding Overseer that would not allow for there to be a Saturday morning book study. His reasoning was: "It would give the brothers more time to get in trouble having another night free." Sure...whatever.

    Even prior to my turning my back on the evil empire, I often shared the same thought of those in position of authority who are getting a free ride at the expense of the masses. I remember my father often counselling me in my teen years to pursue work that involved "working with your hands" as the apostle Paul recommended.

    So I also began to think: "Paul has been called 'the orginal Circuit Overseer'. He made and sold tents to support his ministry. Why shouldn't these so-called 'full-time servants' do the same?" I remember the service meeting immediately following a circuit overseer visit that there would always be a letter read listing the dollar amount of the C.O.'s expenses and a vote taken on whether or not the congregation should paid it. I often felt like asking if the C.O. would be willing to mow my lawn and change the oil in my car (which was worth less than the C.O.mobile) in exchange for paying for his "expenses". After all, he and his wife got free, home cooked meals for another week. He probably ate better than I did that week.

  • NVR2L8


    When the book study was cancelled elders in my congregation arbitrarely moved the Tuesday night MS & S Meeting to Wednesday night because they felt that there were too many days without a meeting from Tuesday to Sunday and that it would be beneficial to move the meeting one day later to balance the week! Some part time workers had to change their work schedule since they usually worked on Wednesday night. Likewise I travel a lot for work and I used to schedule my business trips after the Tuesday night meeting and now I could no longer attend most Wednesday nights....The other congregation using our hall didn't make any changes....they didn't have a meeting between Sunday to Thursday...I guess they didn't need a balanced week. In my opinion, elders wanted one more night to prepare their meeting parts...who cares about others.

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