"Listen To God and Live Forever" brochure

by lilbluekitty 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lilbluekitty

    I just recieved a "care package" from my mother (I'm inactive, haven't been to a meeting in a few months but haven't specifically said to her that I don't want to be a JW anymore) and in it, among other things, are 2 new brochures (one is simplified) called Listen to God and Live Forever.

    Has anyone else seen these? I think you can get them in PDF form on the jw.org website. Has anyone else noticed some of the weird pictures? I saw several pictures that bothered me, like depictions of Satan as an angel and then later on and the demons. Several of them in one publication? What is up with that? Is it me or does the borg talk about that stuff way too much?

  • WTWizard

    Seems that's all the witlesses can think about. They will not even look at this as injustice--taking people that are trying to mind their own businesses, enslaving them, and only letting them live if they do all they can for you and have the "proper" attitude. Putting mankind into a "fallen state" just to dangle this promise of removing it if they obey--they are worse off than if that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag would have left them alone because they had that extra suffering plus are now enslaved. What's to stop Jehovah from putting mankind back into a fallen state, or perennially leaving us in one and promising "salvation" in exchange for wasting our whole lives on that Scumbag?

    And, as if that weren't enough, the witlesses shove these things in people's faces who are on their way out. Usually, it is a complete waste of time--I had a few "care packages" sent to me (usually the rags) when I quit doing boasting sessions and field circus. These rags wound up in the shredder, and they wasted a toilet paper in postage plus the time it took to mail them. I can only hope this waste of time and postage is going to get them precisely nothing in return.

  • snakeface

    Now your mother can count it as a placement!

    But to answer your question, yes, they want to blame everything on Satan (and Adam & Eve) and use illustrations to explain everything, instead of just saying, "it is what it is."

  • ShadesofGrey

    Interested in hearing more about what is wrong with these brochures.

    It seems to me a single scripture out of context and then another is bad all by itself, but I have come to be suspicious of the WT publication's illustrations.

  • Spittn4Cash

    here are links to the regular version & simplified version, thanks to yknot

    Regular: http://www.sendspace.com/file/nzjme3

    Simplified: http://www.sendspace.com/file/980dgy

    here is the audio book

    Audiobook: http://JW.org/files/media_books/ll_E.mp3.zip

  • Spittn4Cash

    just finished reading the brochure..

    and you're right, the pics take on a different meaning than the words in the magazine.

    It's sad that they use material like this to pull the "bait-and-switch" with new followers.

    but its just a steaming pile of non-sense just like most of their literature.

  • braincleaned

    What a childish and condescendant pile of shit. Who the hell do they think they are talking to!?! They should be ashamed of themselves.

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