Vatican Irders Inquiry into abuse at English School

by wobble 1 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • wobble

    The Vatican has ordered an Apostolic Visitation as the inquiry is called ,into the abuse that went on for many years at St Benedicts School, Ealing, and at Ealing Abbey.

    The Vatican fears the scandal is much larger than they at first thought.

    When will the WT make some enquiries in to their child abuse problems ? They cannot continue to hide them, the RC church has found that out.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I personally think it is starting to happen right now but I think they are settling it all out of court right now and putting gags on the victims that is why we are not hearing about it. As a victim I know only too well how hard it would be to go through a court case and be called a lair in court after having been raped as a child for years and no one did anything to help you, though you are sure people knew. The victims also know that the WT will drag out their top guns of lawyers and being that the victims do not have two witnesses to the crime they are made to feel even worse then ever and that it could have very probably been their fault being that they turned the guy on when they were four or five years old. What were they doing alone in the car with him anyway while their mom was at the door on a RV? Where are is the other witness to it happening? Sick I know but the WT lawyers I am sure will stop at nothing to make the victim feel it was their fault and most victims know that.

    It is just my hunch but I think that with the RCC being in the spot light so much it is giving victims in the JW's more strength but not enough yet to band together like the RCC's victims have in forming SNAP. From what I understand in the beginning when the first victims of the Catholic Church came forward they felt like the JW victims, that they were alone and fighting God as the priests were considered the voice of God not much unlike how the JW's consider the elders as being appointed by Holy Spirit and God's spokesmen. To come forward and say that a man God has put in power raped you is beyond impossible or even if they were not an elder who molested you but just a person in the hall it is still very hard. I know one of the child molesters in my hall the elders LOOOOOOOVED him to bits the PO COBE even back slapped him in a good old boy kind of way telling him he knew Satan was testing him because I was speaking out agaist him being a pedophile. The COBE did this right in front of the whole congregation and all the other elders looked on with approval. How could a child go to that PO COBE or any of those elders and say this man was touching him after seeing that?

    I truly hope I am right and that the victims are starting to come out. It takes strength to speak out against evil.

    I just heard a quote from Albert Einstein

    "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

    I think that about sums it up.


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