Spiritual weakness

by Joey Jo-Jo 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Has there been any publications by the WB&TS regarding jw's that have not been attending meetings?

    I recall a thread but can't seem to find it.

    Thanks in advance.

  • ShadesofGrey

    You are all wicked Apostates!!!

    I think Iamwhoiam has highlighted a very pertinent point re. the footnote.

    The WT has a long history of introducing "New Light" and new procedure in an underhand way.

    They will introduce an idea in a footnote, or a small insignificant article, the ones no one reads, and eventually it becomes doctine or recognized procedure, anyone who questions it is then made to feel small and guilty for not having "kept up with God's chariot" as some smart -ass C.O points out the article, by then 18 months old at least.

    Just wait for "clarification" that any who leave the WT are Apostate by definition, i.e "Abandonment"

    The WT will then not have to spell out to the R&F how to treat those of us who have faded, they will take it upon themselves, "Apostates" have already been demonized by the W.T, now they just need to make it clear that the label applies to faders.

    Watch for the articles, coming soon to a study edition near you !

  • Joey Jo-Jo

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