Champions of Bible Truth - Jan 15, 2012 Watchtower Study Edition

by wannabefree 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabefree

    Page 8 paragraph 17

    Lists Waldo along with ...

    "Other champions of Bible truth rose up in
    the centuries that followed: John Wyc-
    liffe (c. 1330-1384), William Tyndale
    (c. 1494-1536), Henry Grew (1781-1862),
    and George Storrs (1796-1879)."


    What about Charles T. Russell ???

  • blondie

    The Finished Mystery made the following statement. The WTS changed this and brought in people closer to Russell, Grew and Storrs. They did this at a time when people (jws) were check online and discovering the secrets of the WTS.

    The Seven Churches In Asia Minor

    The seven churches of Asia addressed in Rev. 2 and 3, mention various angels. Those seven "messengers" (or "angels") in chronological order, according to Russell are as follows: Paul (p. 23); John (p. 27); Arius (p. 30); Peter Waldo (p. 37); John Wycliffe (p. 45); Martin Luther (p. 48) and Charles Taze Russell himself (p. 53)! It is also important to remember that these same seven churches (or "epochs," according to Russell) cited in Rev. 2 and 3 all are ended in or by 1918:

    What the Spirit saith unto the churches.—Unto the seven epochs, ending, respectively, in A. D. 73, 325, 1160, 1378, 1518, 1874 and 1918 (p. 72).

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