update and unexpected apology from JW housekeeper

by troubled mind 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    My sister called me this evening to tell me the JW housekeeper for my Father called to apologize for her behavior on Friday !


    The woman apologized to my sister for being harsh to her , and for being judgemental towards me . She wanted my number in order to call me ,but my sister said she was not 'allowed' to give out that information . My number is in the phone book so it is not hard to find if she really wants to . As far as I know there has never been a public announcement about me ...it is all word of mouth and gossip . So maybe she got counseled Sunday about passing judgement w/o any personal knowledge . IDK

    So far she has not contacted me , and I am not holding my breath ,the answering machine is on though .

    I do appreciate the gesture of apology to my sister though ,because she certainly did not deserve being treating like she had commited a crime .

  • meangirl

    Wow, glad to hear there was some decency in that witness. Maybe this will be a good lesson for her.

  • Iamallcool

    We do need more apologies from rude JWs!

  • GLTirebiter

    It's good to hear that the cold shoulder is warming up. Maybe you should "just happen" to be at your dad's house on the next cleaning day, so she will have an opportunity to say it face to face. But only if you feel comfortable doing that, of course.

  • exwhyzee

    She may be truly sorry but it did cross my mind that she could be doing a little damage control. Maybe cleaning jobs are hard to come by these days?

  • nugget

    my thought too she may have realised that as your father is not a JW this sort of behaviour would just be seen as rude. The fact that she has only stated a wish to contact you but has made little effort to follow through would indicate a lack of sincerity.

  • metatron

    Iamallcool, has it right. We need to demand apologies from Witnesses regarding rude behavior. You'll never get the arrogant GB to do that but individuals are different.


  • Jim_TX
    "...called to apologize..."

    Which goes to show that she does not have the balls to apologize in person. Typical attitude that is taught by the JWs. The elders use this technique to ferrit out information, rather than do it in person.

    If it were me, I would make sure that she apologizes face-to-face. (Tell her that since she snubbed you in-person, she needs to apologize the same way - in-person.) Making eye contact. Then burn a hole in her using your apostate-vision(TM).

    Called to apologize... indeed. Hmmmph!


    Jim TX

  • blondie

    I used to tell the elders who would say that no one had my phone number, that my number was in the phone book paper and online, and if it had been announced that I had a million dollars to give to the first one that called me, that I would have hundreds of calls. They would frown but agree I was right. Since it is likely you will encounter her again at your father's, I would call and set up a meeting for her to apologize to your face.

  • WontLeave

    While the Bible remains silent as to why, even the extreme case that led to shunning in 1Cor, not everybody in the congregation shunned the man (2Cor 2:6). It's my opinion that some in the congregation didn't know the details of the man's private life, they had no first-hand reason to shun him. Withdrawing "Christian love" because some 3rd party makes a vague statement on the platform is hardly Scriptural. Shunning someone over a "through the grapevine" accusation is a common JW activity, but hardly a Christian one.

    What that man had to do to warrant being shunned was egregious (1Cor 5:1). Meanwhile, many things treated as "disfellowshipping matters" have little or no Scriptural grounds for even being wrong; much less outlandishly wicked and requiring ostracism from the congregation. Disagreeing with fallible men over their papal decrees (for example) is hardly addressed in the Bible as being a reason to expel someone. 1Cor 11:17-19 actually indicates doctrinal divisions are not inherently bad. One would be hard pressed to find Scriptural evidence that standing for truth rather than submitting to a lie is wickedness or a mental disease.

    I gave up caring what these people think of me very shortly after becoming associated with the group. It doesn't say much of one's self-esteem to be overly-concerned about what these floor sweepers think of anything. Their ignorant, arrogant, stupid opinions are worth about as much as their retirement accounts: zero. I find myself saying this a lot lately, but I feel far too few people realize it: JWs (and most other cults) consist of power-hungry sociopaths and the doormats they abuse. Being a typical, mainstream JW is merely a symptom of a greater mental/emotional problem. If you find yourself crying over what some ignorant blue-collar loser in a cheap suit thinks of you, chances are you need to fix some things about yourself.

    Get an education, get a good job, improve your life and your situation. Feel good about yourself, so you can be in the right frame of mind to deal with abusers. The Kingdom Hall isn't the only place you'll encounter nut jobs and you really need to know how to deal with them wherever you find them. A family member, coworker, boss, spouse, "friend", or anyone else with the mental/psychological makeup of a sociopathic elder, "elderette", or wanna-be elder will make your life miserable if you let them. Learn how to stand up for yourself and realize they don't matter. They only have the power over you that you give them.

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