Great tip on impressing the ladies! true story

by hungry4life 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • hungry4life

    I have to share this great Valentines Day experience with you. I was in class today and this young, good looking guy came in with about 4 dozen, beautiful long stemmed roses. He gave one to every female in class(old, young, thin, fat,gay, straight) who didn't have a Valentine! I guess he had been doing it in all his classes that day. He told us that he has two female cousins and they had been talking and told him that they knew lots of women who weren't getting anything for Valentines Day because they didn't have a sweetie, so he decided to make sure every single woman he encountered that day had a rose.

    It's funny but the single rose I received from this young man meant more to me than many other past years V-day presents. I was smiling all day as I saw women all over campus with their special rose.

    And guys if you are thinking this guy is stupid think again I mean he has just left a lasting impression on every woman he has contact with on a daily basis. Not to mention all the friends each girl tells. As far as meeting women this guy is a genius.

  • BoozeRunner

    I did something similar last year in a bar I work in. There were 3 dancers and a barmaid. It was the middle of the day and only a couple of customers, so I drove down the street, found a vendor selling flowers, and brought each one a small potted flower just to brighten up their day. It really felt good just to see that they appreciated the gesture.


  • bboyneko

    The dude must be rich. For the price he paid for 4 dozen or more long stemmed roses he could have rented a hooker for a week,.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I have learned that we all come into this world with nothing and the only thing we can do is give of ourself. I know that I have given others little things like flowers or whatever for no given reason and I get it back 10 fold.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • Lari

    What a great story. Thanks. Yesterday was my first Vday and hubby & I had a great time.

    I wonder though, men being what they are, how big a loser would a girl doing the same thing be perceived as?

    Women being what we are, wouldnt you be afraid of attracting all the losers in the place?

  • hungry4life

    Lari I agree we all live with a double standard if a guy does this he is sweet, if a girl does it I am afraid she would be labeled as desperate and pathetic. I don't even know if any guys would admit to not having a valentine. I guess she could get away with it if she was really cute. But even though the guy in my story was attractive I think any guy out there could do this with the same results.

    Interesting perspective BBoyneko but I don'think she would have appreciated him half as much as we did. I think he did it for emotional gratification not sexual. But then again I am saying that from a womans perspective. I guess that is what I would like to believe.

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