Rembrandt and Faces of Jesus - Philadelphia Museum of Art

by Band on the Run 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I thought anyone who lived in the area of Philadelphia, even from NY, might want to see the present exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It is a collection of paintings and studies of Jesus Rembrant executed for his religious work. Rembrant, very unlike other artists of the age, based his studies of Jesus on Jews present in Holland. It is the first time these materials have been together since before his death.

    My mom was Dutch and always used to laugh at his rendition of the Nativity which included contemporary Dutch middle class family, replete with heavy lace collars.

    Rembrandt anything is exciting. NY has several major Remnbrandts but not that much.

    The museum is free one Sunday a month. Since this is a special exhibition, though, there is no way around paying $20. for admission. One could get in free if one joined the museum. Illness has delayed my viewing. Art is a wonderful way to observe how we project our feelings onto Jesus.

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