I was Christ for a Day!

by tyydyy 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tyydyy

    You find that hard to believe, do you? Well it's true! Do I have proof??? Well I know it's true and that's all that matters.

    I asked him why he needed my body.....He told me that he couldn't experience a lifetime here on earth without performing so many miracles that it would be too easy for everyone to have faith. I said "That makes sense to me. What do you want to experience J?" He told me that he had missed a few things while on the earth the last time and he wanted to see what the big deal was. Everyone keeps talking about Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll so he wanted to experience it through the person who understood those things the best. Well, my modesty came out and I said: " Really JC I must tell you that there are lots of people who understand drugs better than I do and I'm sure that there are many who have a better understanding and appreciation of Rock N Roll" ........short pause......"Ohhhhhhhhhh Ok I See. I'm married to Xena. Nooooow it's starting to make sense."

    To Be continued.....


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