My comment was deleted...

by sleepingbeauty 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepingbeauty

    A woman stated on the following JW forum that she was going to her first assembly on sunday and asked was was to be suspected (wrong use of english grammar I know but thats what she asked so I socked it to her...)¬if_t=group_activity

    I said 'interested one' you need to get rid of all your Twilight books, because they are Satanic. What is more you need to lose all your worldly friends off facebook because they are mentally diseased and to be likened to a contagious disease as they may try & stumble you and you really have come so far....

    So far I have stayed on this forum for months unscathed - I must come across as some over jealous JW....
    Needless to say my comments have now been removed but Im still a page member ! lol I was only quoting that she needed to get rid of her twilight books because the forum page has been ranting on about it for the past week because they considered them satanic....

    Very touchy of them .. dont you think this interested one had a right to know the Truth as they know it ....... :-) lol

  • JustThatGirl007

    Can you message her privately with that info?

  • MoneurMallard

    They probably deleted that message because you mentioned a major website, "Facebook" in conjunction with their view of "worldly" and "diseased" people.

    If it's corporate, they stand a chance of being sued.

  • Snoozy

    It's funny that their facebook page has over 9900 members...

    Someone isn't listening at the meetings...


  • jookbeard

    it's a closed group but I've applied to join!

  • ShadesofGrey

    Yeah, we should try again. I can't join as I am not a JW on my profile.

    I would recommend that you send her this article:

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